
AZ-204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure

Tijekom treninga polaznici će usvojiti vještine i znanja kako se povezati na i koristiti Azure usluge i third-party rješenja, kako uključiti modele temeljene na događajima i porukama u svoja rješenja te nadgledati, rješavati probleme i optimizirati Azure rješenja.

Tijekom treninga polaznici će usvojiti vještine i znanja kreiranja end-to-end rješenja u Azureu, implementiranja Azure računalnih rješenja, kreiranja Azure Functionsa, implemenetiranja i upravljanja web aplikacija, razvijanja rješenja korištenjem Azure prostora za pohranu, implementiranja autentifikacije i autorizacije te kako osigurati rješenja pomoću KeyVaulta i Managed Identitiesa. Svim polaznicima seminara AZ-204 osigurali smo besplatno pohađanje treninga AZ-900.

Što ćete naučiti

  • Izraditi Azure App Service Web Apps.
  • Implementirati Azure funkcije.
  • Razviti rješenja koja koriste Blob i Cosmos DB prostor za pohranu.
  • Implementirati IaaS rješenja.
  • Implementirati autentifikaciju i autorizaciju korisnika.
  • Implementirati sigurna cloud rješenja.
  • Implementirati upravljanje API-om.
  • Razviti App Service Logic Apps.
  • Razviti rješenja temeljena na događaju i porukama.
  • Nadgledati i optimizirati Azure rješenja.
  • Integrirati priručnu memoriju (eng. caching) i isporuku sadržaja unutar rješenja.

Kome je namijenjeno

IT profesionalcima koje zanima Azure i razvoj Azure rješenja te razvoj rješenja u Azureu.


  • Iskustvo u radu s Azure IaaS and PaaS solutions i Azure Portalom.
  • Iskustvo pisanja koda u jezicima podržanim u Azureu na srednjoj razini (C#, JavaScript, Python ili Java).
  • Sposobnost pisanja koda u cilju povezivanje i izvođenje operacija na SQL ili NoSQL bazama. (SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB, Cassandra).
  • Iskustvo pisanja koda za rukovanje provjerom autentičnosti, autorizacijom i drugim sigurnosnim načelima na srednjoj razini.
  • Razumijevanje HTML-a, HTTP protokola i REST API sučelja.
U cilju pripreme za kvalitetno praćenje treninga svim polaznicima seminara AZ-204 osigurali smo besplatno pohađanje treninga AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals na Algebrinoj digitalnoj platformi za samoučenje (LMS) uz video nastavni materijal na hrvatskom jeziku.

Nastavni plan

Module 1: Create Azure App Service web apps Learn how Azure App Service functions and how to create and update an app. Explore App Service authentication and authorization, configuring app settings, scale apps, and how to use deployment slots. Lessons
  • Explore Azure App Service
  • Configure web app settings
  • Scale apps in Azure App Service
  • Explore Azure App Service deployment slots
Module 2: Implement Azure functions Learn how to create and deploy Azure Functions. Explore hosting options, bindings, triggers, and how to use Durable Functions to define stateful workflows. Lessons
  • Explore Azure Functions
  • Develop Azure Functions
  • Implement Durable Functions
Module 3: Develop solutions that use Blob storage Learn how to create Azure Blob storage resources, manage data through the blob storage lifecycle, and work with containers and items by using the Azure Blob storage client library V12 for .NET. Lessons
  • Explore Azure Blob storage
  • Manage the Azure Blob storage lifecycle
  • Work with Azure Blob storage
Module 4: Develop solutions that use Azure Cosmos DB Learn how to create Azure Cosmos DB resources with the appropriate consistency levels, choose and create a partition key, and perform data operations by using the .NET SDK V3 for Azure Cosmos DB. Lessons
  • Explore Azure Cosmos DB
  • Implement partitioning in Azure Cosmos DB
  • Work with Azure Cosmos DB
Module 5: Implement infrastructure as a service solutions Learn how to create and deploy virtual machine, deploy resources using Azure Resource Manager templates, and manage and deploy containers. Lessons
  • Provision virtual machines in Azure
  • Create and deploy Azure Resource Manager templates
  • Manage container images in Azure Container Registry
  • Run container images in Azure Container Instances
Module 6: Implement user authentication and authorization Learn how to implement authentication and authorization to resources by using the Microsoft identity platform, Microsoft Authentication Library, shared access signatures, and use Microsoft Graph. Lessons
  • Explore the Microsoft identity platform
  • Implement authentication by using the Microsoft Authentication Library
  • Implement shared access signatures
  • Explore Microsoft Graph
Module 7: Implement secure cloud solutions Learn how to more securely deploy apps in Azure by using Azure Key Vault, managed identities, and Azure App Configuration. Lessons
  • Implement Azure Key Vault
  • Implement managed identities
  • Implement Azure App Configuration
Module 8: Implement API Management Learn how the API Management service functions, how to transform and secure APIs, and how to create a backend API. Lessons
  • Explore API Management
Module 9: Develop event-based solutions Learn how to build applications with event-based architectures by integrating Azure Event Grid and Azure Event Hubs in to your solution. Lessons
  • Explore Azure Event Grid
  • Explore Azure Event Hubs
Module 10: Develop message-based solutions Learn how to build applications with message-based architectures by integrating Azure Service Bus and Azure Queue Storage in to your solution. Lessons
  • Discover Azure message queues
Module 11: Instrument solutions to support monitoring and logging Learn how to instrument apps to enable Application Insights to monitor performance and help troubleshoot issues. Lessons
  • Monitor app performance
Module 12: Integrate caching and content delivery within solutions Learn how to improve the performance and scalability of your applications by integrating Azure Cache for Redis and Azure Content Delivery Network in to your solution. Lessons
  • Develop for Azure Cache for Redis
  • Develop for storage on CDNs