In this Masterclass talk, we’ll explore how new developments in artificial intelligence and emerging technologies may (or may not) force businesses to evolve their models, designs, and plans to remain competitive in the coming years.

The talk will aim to balance theoretical musings with practical applications. It aims to reach both those already working in competitive industries along with those simply curious about the intersection of AI, technology, business, and competitive strategy.

Join us at the Masterclass led by our MBA Professor Bryce Bow to delve deeply into these critical topics and gain valuable insights and strategies to navigate the complexities of modern business ecosystems.

Participation is free with a filled out application form.


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Zoran Đorđević
Direktor Algebra MBA Poslovne škole

Arsen Šolić
Voditelj e-Leadership MBA studija
098 9512 952

Ivan Bucić
Koordinator e-Leadership MBA poslovnog područja
091 23 14 111