Matična institucija:


Područje stručnosti:

Digital Transformation, Strategic Blockchain Consulting, Blockchain Business Development.

O predavaču:

Vedran Brničević is founder and CEO of Suprabit Ltd, a Blockchain and IoT consulting and development company located in Zagreb, Croatia. He has over 27 years of experience in helping international businesses from various industries to implement business critical software solutions and setting up high-quality software teams.

Vedran holds M.S. and M.Sc. in Mathematics from the University of Zagreb, Croatia. He also successfully completed the “Executive Education Program” at the IEDC School of Management.

Being a strong proponent of the Blockchain tech whose disruptive nature will upend a number of industries in the years to come, Vedran’s main role is to empower clients with knowledge on how to leverage Blockchain for their own good and advantage instead of being left behind. He focuses on the business transformation potential and looks for new business usage scenarios enabled by the Blockchain tech that are beneficial for the customer, but implements the strategy step by step, taking running business into consideration.

The ability to analyze, understand and solve complex business problems using software technology comes from his strong technical background being a project manager and lead developer for over a decade in a previous company he co-founded and co-owned. With the company’s expansion, Vedran assumed more business-oriented roles and focused on managing the company along with a number of international key accounts.

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