Matična institucija:

Information Systems Security Bureau

Područje stručnosti:

Cybersecurity, ICT Systems Security, International Cyber Regulatory and Cooperation Frameworks, Cyber Diplomacy and International Cooperation

O predavaču:

Jurica Čular is an expert advisor with the Information Systems Security Bureau.

Jurica holds the Master of Computer Science (MCS) from the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Zagreb. He also got an MBA diploma in Finance and Marketing from Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. As a cybersecurity professional, he is referencing himself with several information security certificates, like CISA, CISSP, and ISO 27001 LA.

During his career in private sector, he was an information security consultant with financial institutions and banking, telco and biotechnology companies, providing them with support in establishing corporate cyber security environments, complying with regulatory demands and reaching out the industry standards. As an expert advisor at Information Security Standards Board (ISSB), he took part in major developments of the related Croatian legal and strategic regulatory frameworks.

Jurica delivered numerous public debates, presentations and lectures in the area of cyber security, including the one at the FIRST Conference on Computer Security Incident Handling in Kuala Lumpur in 2018. He is currently a board member of the Croatian ISACA Chapter.