Matična institucija:

PBZ Group

Područje stručnosti:

Cybersecurity, ICT Systems Security, Corporate Security,

O predavaču:

Milan Parat is Executive Director of the Cybersecurity and BCM Department, and Chief Security Officer of the PBZ Group.

Milan holds a M.A. in Electrical Engineering and Computing from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb.

He started his career in 1994 at Privredna banka Zagreb (PBZ). In 1997, he specialized in information security and was promoted to the Head of the Information Security Office in PBZ.

Under his leadership, the security systems of Privredna banka Zagreb's card business, telephone and Internet banking, payment transactions and PKI infrastructure, as well as other security systems of the Bank, have been implemented.

Since 2008, Milan Parat has been the Executive Director of Corporate Security and Chief Security Officer of the PBZ Group.

In addition, since 2012 he is Chairman of the Security Committee of the Croatian Banking Association. Since 2014. he is Croatian representative in the European Banking Federation - Cyber Security Working Group.

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