Algebra participates in the most renowned academic IT initiatives, thereby providing additional value to its students and ensuring the quality of work and commitment to excellence.

Microsoft Developer Network Academic Alliance (MSDN AA)
In order to improve and simplify studying for our students, we became involved with this program which offers numerous advantages through DreamSpark, such as free official studying materials and latest software solutions.

Microsoft Imagine Academy
Microsoft IT Academy is a global IT educational program designed to help schools in order to ensure the success of its students and teachers. Program provides access to the latest resources in education through Microsoft technologies.

CISCO Networking Academy
Cisco Networking Academy is an innovative global initiative that provides students with knowledge and skills in the field of information and communication technologies and was launched and supported by Cisco Systems.

Tableau Academic Program
Naši studenti programskog inženjerstva, podatkovne znanosti, digitalnog marketinga te MBA eLeadership programa, kao i naši predavači imaju priliku besplatno koristiti Tableau softverska rješenja i cloud bazirane servise za učenje i rad na vizualizacijama te modernu timsku kolaboraciju

Oracle Academic Initiative
We joined the program in its advanced version “Advanced Computer Science” in order to provide its students access to the latest Oracle software as well as implement a part of its curriculum through the use of official Oracle teaching materials especially developed for academic instruction.

Red Hat Academy
Red Hat® Academy turns academic institutions into centers for enterprise-ready talent by outfitting them with Red Hat Training. This comes in the form of hands-on instruction, curriculum, labs, performance-based testing, and instructor support.

IBM Academic Initiative
Within this program both we and our students receive access to advanced software and IBM development platforms as well as to all educational materials offered by IBM as a part of this program.

SAP University Alliances
Participation in the SAP programme enables our students to work with cutting edge SAP technologies – SAP CRM and SAP Hybrids eCommerce.

Computing Technology Industry Association)
CompTIA (Computing Technology Industry Association) je neprofitna organizacija koja je poznata po razvoju i promoviranju certifikata u području informacijsko komunikacijskih tehnologija (IKT) neutralnih prema dobavljačima. CompTIA certifikati široko su priznati u IT industriji i vrijedni su za IT profesionalce u različitim fazama njihove karijere, od početnika do iskusnih stručnjaka. Mnogi poslodavci i organizacije traže CompTIA certifikate kada zapošljavaju IT stručnjake jer oni pokazuju čvrste temelje IT stručnosti.

VMware IT Academy
Based on strategic cooperation agreement between Algebra University and Griffith College Dublin, we enabled our present and future computer engineering and multimedia students to make use of student mobility and study at two locations with the possibility of obtaining Croatian and Irish bachelor diplomas in the field of computer engineering. This is a way of studying that implements all benefits of the Bologna process through student mobility which is very widespread abroad.

Fortinet Network Security Academy (FNSA)
FNSA was created to address the international shortage of cybersecurity experts and to build a workforce skilled in all aspects of network security platform who will be recognized in the industry among an elite group of security professionals.

HubSpot Academy
Algebra University has a standing partnership with HubSpot Academy. Our students use HubSpot methodologies and tools on several courses and have access to a large database of educational materials as well as the HubSpot certification programme.

Suradnja s vrhunskim institucijama koje se bave razvojem područja projekt managementa omogućavaju našim studentima upoznavanje s projektnim praksama već tijekom studija a što predstavlja vrijedno ulaganje u njihove buduće karijere, nevezano uz industriju njihovog interesa.

Palo Alto Authorized Academy Centers
Palo Alto Networks Academy is a collaborative programme between Palo Alto Networks and academic partners who implement next generation technologies in their studies and courses, making it available to students. The programme allows students and professors to access Palo Alto technologies which enables the partners to prepare their students for exciting careers in rapidly advancing fields such as Cloud Computing or network and computer security.

EMC2 Academic Alliance
Through this partnership, our students receive the opportunity to introduce themselves to new trends in the field of information infrastructure development, especially in areas such as Big Data, Cloud Computing, Information and Storage Management and virtualization using EMC teaching materials

AWS Academy
AWS Academy AWS Academy is a program offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) inteded to provide education and training on cloud computing technologies for students. It is designed to help educators teach students about AWS cloud technologies, best practices, and cloud-related skills. Educational institutions such as universities, colleges, and technical schools typically utilize AWS Academy to integrate cloud computing technologies into their curricula. It is a way for students to prepare for careers and meet the growing demand for cloud computing skills.

EC-COUNCIL is a global organization that provides education and certification in the field of information security and cybersecurity. It is known for various certifications, including Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) and Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP). Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) is one of the most renowned EC-Council certifications. It is intended for professionals who want to acquire knowledge and skills in ethical hacking, penetration testing, and understanding security vulnerabilities. Professionals with CEH certification are increasingly in demand in the job market.

Quantum Computing
Collaboration with public research institutes enables our students to gain insights into technology transfer, research projects, information on academic career development opportunities, and engagement with current topics in the region and the EU.
Algebra University collaborates with prominent higher education institutions.

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb
The aim of the partnership is to enhance student standards and promote initiatives in the field of computer engineering. Since the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing and Algebra University both engage in research and teaching activities in the field of computer science, representatives of these institutions have identified compatible areas where collaboration can be established and expanded for the benefit of faculty and students. Through this partnership, an educational program for “Computer Technicians” has been developed for vocational high schools in Croatia (financed through the IPA program), and students, teachers, and other staff have been provided with the opportunity to use all resources of the central library of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing.

Međimurje University of Applied Sciences
The aim of the partnership is to promote the development of computer science and collaborate on mutually beneficial projects. In this regard, Algebra University supports the editorial publication of MEV’s ( and has allowed the use of some of own literature to contribute to the quality of education at MEV.

Virovitica University of Applied Sciences
The aim of the partnership is to promote the development of both institutions with a special emphasis on student and teacher mobility, the development of study programs, activities, and the initiation of joint activities to affirm scientific research activities. Additionally, through the established partnership, the institutions collaborate on organizing professional conferences, publishing, and implementing lifelong learning projects. Even before the signing of a formal agreement, the contracting parties had already collaborated on lifelong learning projects, and through joint projects within the ESF program, they plan to develop the field of information technology and computer science.

Catholic University of Croatia
Algebra University and the Catholic University have signed agreement for mutual cooperation in organizing and implementing teaching and research activities to improve the student standards of both institutions and promote initiatives of mutual interest. The cooperation under the agreement includes:
- Exchange of experiences in organizing and implementing teaching activities
- Exchange of experiences in establishing quality management systems
- Utilization of shared resources available within the University complex for students of both institutions.
- Joint participation in EU projects aimed at building additional infrastructure and improving general conditions for studying and working within the University complex.
- Other mutually interesting activities.
Algebra University is a member of significant international and domestic associations.

Croatian Information Technology Association
Algebra University is a member of the Croatian Information Technology Association, the leading independent professional association of institutions and individuals interested in the development, promotion, and improvement of the application of information and related technologies in Croatia. It is a member of CEPIS, IFIP, IT-STAR, and the ECDL Foundation.
Collaboration with HIZ began back in 2006 when Algebra took over the implementation of the EUCIP international educational program and developed a certification system in accordance with the international CEPIS methodology. The experience gained from introducing the CEPIS program served as a foundation for establishing the College, and the curriculum guidelines set within the EUCIP methodology were firmly integrated into the foundation of the studies. Through cooperation with CEPIS, Algebra University, through its membership in HIZ, has the opportunity to continuously monitor the development of the ICT profession and recommended competency frameworks for ICT professions.

American Chamber of Commerce in Croatia
AmCham members have the opportunity to expand their business contacts and contacts with the government, exchange useful information, advocate for addressing business obstacles, organize and attend a range of events featuring leading business people and officials as speakers, be part of the ‘News & Views’ magazine containing a wide range of relevant information for the business community and reports on AmCham events, promote charitable projects benefiting the wider community…
AmCham members come from various segments of the business community: American companies, Croatian companies, American citizens, Croatian citizens, companies/citizens from other countries, and non-profit organizations.

Croatian Employers’ Association – HUP – UPO and HUP – ICT
Algebra University is a member of the Croatian Employers’ Association, with the Rector of the University as a member of the excecutive board and the president of the Board of Directors serving as the president of the sectoral ICT industry association (HUP ICT). HUP – UPO formalizes and horizontally connects individuals and activities in the field of education, and through its members’ council, HUP includes representatives of all sectoral associations, making it a place for discussing broader strategic issues in the development of educational policies. Through the Members’ Council and HUP – UPO, at the level of all economic sectors and all educational levels, the employers’ association as a social partner discusses issues related to the development of the educational system and consolidates existing and future employer activities in developing the qualifications framework, proposing enrollment quotas, preparing grounds for financing from EU structural funds, developing national educational strategies, and building new curricula, etc. HUP is involved in the umbrella European employers’ association (Business Europe) – and thus both HUP and its members have direct contact with European employers. It was through this initiative that the Dean of the University was involved in the work of the Advisory Committee for Vocational Education and Training at DG Education and Culture at the European Commission and today actively participates in the work of other bodies dealing with the strategy of developing the education system in Croatia.

Association for Software Economy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship IISEIE branch Croatia
IISEIE and Algebra have concluded an agreement for cooperation in organizing and implementing educational and professional activities in the field of computer science and for promoting initiatives of mutual interest. The cooperation under the agreement is primarily aimed at promoting the quality of higher education and adult education in the field of technical sciences, particularly in the field of computer science. IISEIE is an association dedicated to promoting, encouraging, developing, and improving the local economy based on software, software innovations, and software entrepreneurship, through knowledge transfer, research promotion and implementation, maintenance of related educational content, and promotion of ethical practices in software entrepreneurship disciplines.
IISEIE is an international organization ( operating through 7 regional centers of excellence covering regions: Asia Pacific, Central and East Europe, Africa, Middle East, Latin America, West Europe, and North America. Through its activities and numerous initiatives, the organization contributes to the development of software entrepreneurship and computer science in a broader sense. Through the IISEIE branch Croatia agreement, Algebra University is included in the global network of institutions promoting ICT.

Croatian Project Management Association
The agreement on the development and promotion of project management professionalization in the Republic of Croatia, and the training of new professional staff through the certification process for project managers in accordance with the rules of the International Project Management Association (IPMA), enables Algebra University students to access international certification exams according to the IPMA standard. Through cooperation with HUUP, Algebra University has direct contact with the international IPMA organization, contributing to the development of teaching materials and content within the three courses in this field conducted by the University. The International Project Management Association (IPMA) is the largest global nonprofit organization for project management, composed of national organizations such as HUUP.

Learning Partners
Through collaboration with the Learning Partners association (, the Algebra educational group continuously works on the education of computer science and computing teachers in primary and secondary schools, aiming to improve the quality of the formal education system and promote digital literacy as one of the fundamental competencies. These efforts are aligned with the activities of the “Learning Partners” community, which promote appropriate and purposeful use of educational technologies in all areas of education and lifelong learning for teachers.
The fundamental activities of the community, in which Algebra University is involved, aim to:
Inform all interested parties about the possibilities of lifelong learning in the field of educational technologies Promote learning anytime, anywhere, and in an appropriate environment Provide educational professionals with an introduction to new technologies and facilitate their use through examples of good practice Provide teachers with the opportunity to demonstrate contemporary methods of learning and teaching they use in their daily work.