Master 4.1. Enhancing quality assurance and promotion of the master craftsman exam

Acronym: Master 4.1

Algebra project partners:

  • Chamber of Trades and Crafts Skopje (North Macedonia)
  • Institute for Communication Studies, North Macedonia
  • Chamber of Trades and Crafts of Slovenia, Slovenia
  • Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts (Croatia)

Short description: Master craftsman professions are appreciated and recognized in the European Union as well as in the partner countries in the project: Croatia, Slovenia, North Macedonia. Master craftsman exams allow you to advance in the profession, launch sole proprietorship, take apprentices to apprenticeships. In additon, the acquisition of a master craftsman title represents an advantage over the competition because the title emphasizes the excellence and quality of products and services. Erasmus+ project Master 4.1 is a continuation of successful cooperation on the previous Erasmus+ project Master 4.0 in which partners from these countries started cooperation on improving the quality of master craftsman exams.

Education to equal opportunities

Acronym: ODJM

Algebra project partners:

  • Dubrovnik Tourist and Hospitality School
  • Association of Persons with Disabilities Prijatelj Metković
  • CES
  • Tourist agency Gulliver DMC

Short description: The project “Education to equal opportunities ” aims to reduce discrimination against persons with disabilities and strengthen their competitiveness in hospitality and tourism through a series of activities, including the creation and implementation of an informal education program.

DIG IN! – Digital & Inclusive

Acronym: DIG-IN

Algebra project partners:

  • Centre for Value Development
  • Kufer travel – travel agency

Short description: The main purpose of the project is to empower people with disabilities for better employment and self-employment in tourism and hospitality sectors. Improvement of existing training program and its provision, accompanied with professional support and an incubator program for building entrepreneurial skills of people with disabilities were in the core of the project.

Kids in Clouds

Acronym: Kids in Clouds

Algebra project partners:

  • Horvati Elementary School
  • Ludina Elementary School
  • Jules Reydellet College, France
  • Secondary School St. Cyril and Methodius, Bulgaria

Short description: The main objective of the Kids in Clouds project is to deliver well-rounded, useful and transferable educational programme in cloud-computing through development of educational modules for teachers and pupils, adaptation of contents and methods according to envisaged needs of the target groups, creation of didactic tools and production and recommendations on innovative education approaches.

Digital Transformation of Higher Education and Training

Acronym: DigiTransformEdu

Algebra project partners:

  • Digital National Alliance, Bulgaria
  • Fondatsya Evropreyski Softueren institu – Tsentar Iztochna Europa, Bulgaria
  • Gruppo Pragma SRL, Italy
  • EFMD AISBL, Belgium
  • Fachhochschule Munster, Germany
  • New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria
  • Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini S.r.l. SB, Italy

Short description: The digital age thrives through every aspect of social, economic and even biological life, driving great personal and professional change and the way people interact, work, learn and create knowledge. Digital competence is now recognised as one of the eight key competences for lifelong learning in Europe and one of the key resources for the recovery of the economy and society after the pandemic. In addition, digital transformation is constantly moving and reshaping one industry and sector after another. Education is no exception. For educational institutions, it is an opportunity to embrace curricular, methodological, technological and organizational changes by absorbing a new digital culture and accessing a strategic redesign of all aspects and structure of education.

Digital Transformation of Higher Education and Training

Acronym: DigiTransformEdu

Algebra project partners:

  • Digital National Alliance, Bulgaria
  • Fondatsya Evropreyski Softueren institu – Tsentar Iztochna Europa, Bulgaria
  • Gruppo Pragma SRL, Italy
  • EFMD AISBL, Belgium
  • Fachhochschule Munster, Germany
  • New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria
  • Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini S.r.l. SB, Italy

Short description: The digital age thrives through every aspect of social, economic and even biological life, driving great personal and professional change and the way people interact, work, learn and create knowledge. Digital competence is now recognised as one of the eight key competences for lifelong learning in Europe and one of the key resources for the recovery of the economy and society after the pandemic. In addition, digital transformation is constantly moving and reshaping one industry and sector after another. Education is no exception. For educational institutions, it is an opportunity to embrace curricular, methodological, technological and organizational changes by absorbing a new digital culture and accessing a strategic redesign of all aspects and structure of education.

STEM Academy

Algebra project partners:

  • Croatian Office for Creativity and Innovation – HUKI
  • IRO
  • Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb

Short description: “STEM Academy” aims to strengthen the capacities of two civil society organizations to popularize STEM among children and young people. By organizing STEM workshops, STEM festivals and one-day events, as well as creating online content, children and young people will be given the opportunity to develop STEM-related skills, get acquainted with new innovative learning methods and ways to reach discoveries and results in STEM.

STEM Academy

Algebra project partners:

  • Croatian Office for Creativity and Innovation – HUKI
  • IRO
  • Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb

Short description: “STEM Academy” aims to strengthen the capacities of two civil society organizations to popularize STEM among children and young people. By organizing STEM workshops, STEM festivals and one-day events, as well as creating online content, children and young people will be given the opportunity to develop STEM-related skills, get acquainted with new innovative learning methods and ways to reach discoveries and results in STEM.

With Technology and Education we can do anything

Algebra project partners:

  • Association “WOMAN” Drniš
  • Society of persons with intellectual disabilities Osijek
  • Association of Croatian War Veterans “Knin Battalion”

Short description: The aim of the project is to strengthen the capacity of associations for the application of STEM in everyday activities in working with target groups. The main activities include organizing trainings for trainers and study tours, equipping 3 LAB classrooms, organizing multi-day workshops for end users and one-day events.

Algebra project partners:

  • Association Telecentar
  • Faculty of electrical engineering – FER
  • Faculty of organisation and informatics – FOI
  • University Of The North
  • Institute of Public Finance
  • Centre of Technical Culture Rijeka
  • Association ODRAZ
  • Croatian Information Society
  • Croatian Association of Informatics
  • Association of Croatian High School Principals
  • Croatian Employers’ Association – HUP
  • Association “Dobar dan”

Short description: Within the project, the Network for Digital Literacy was formed, whose main goal was to strengthen cross-sectoral cooperation and capacity building for research and development of the digital society in the Republic of Croatia. The network conducted scientific research and guidelines for policy makers based on scientific data.

Establishment of the Regional Centre of Competences in Mechanical Engineering NORTH – Technical School Čakovec

Algebra project partners:

  • Technical School Čakovec
  • Međimurje County
  • Mechanical engineering and traffic school Varaždin
  • Oroslavje High School
  • Krapina High School
  • Technical School Daruvar
  • Construction school Čakovec
  • University Of The North
  • SOBOČAN d.o.o.

Short description: Within the project, the consortium will try to solve the lack of qualification of labour force in the field of mechanical engineering and contribute to solving the problem of mismatch of knowledge that students have after completing secondary education on one side, and labour market needs on the other.

Faust Regional Competence Centre – Mechanical Engineering

Algebra project partners:

  • “Faust Vrančić” Mechanical Engineering Technical School
  • Industrial Mechanical Engineering School Zagreb
  • I. Technical School Tesla, Zagreb
  • Fran Bošnjaković Mechanical Engineering School Zagreb
  • School of Electrical Engineering Zagreb
  • Polytechnic of Zagreb
  • Croatian Chamber of Economy
  • City of Zagreb
  • Selectio d.o.o.
  • Institute for Labour Market Development
  • Topomatika d.o.o.

Short description: The project supports the development and significant improvement of the learning process and employment of young people in the mechanical engineering profession. The project’s scope directly affects the introduction of modern content in vocational education, which will give participants competences relevant to the labour market, which significantly improves the level of their employability after completing their education.

Reginal Competence Centre Ruđer Bošković

Algebra project partners:

  • “Ruđer Bošković” Technical School Zagreb
  • City of Zagreb
  • School of Electrical Engineering Zagreb
  • I. Technical School Tesla Zagreb
  • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture
  • Purić d.o.o.
  • Kraš d.d.
  • Klimaoprema d.d. Franck d.d.
  • PJR d.o.o.

Short description: The aim of the project is to establish a regional centre of competences in the field of electrical engineering and computing, which will improve the opportunities for work-based learning to students and adult learners thus increasing their opportunities for entering the labour market.

Regional Competence Centre ‘Slavonika 5.1’

Algebra project partners:

  • Technical School Slavonski Brod
  • Industrial and trade school Slavonski Brod
  • Industrial and trade school Nova Gradiška
  • Electrotechnical and Economic School Nova Gradiška
  • Technical School Ruđer Bošković Vinkovci
  • Technical School Nikola Tesla Vukovar
  • Technical School Županja
  • Mechanical engineering and technical school Osijek
  • Valpovo High School
  • High school “Stjepan Ivšić”
  • Industrial and trade school Slatina
  • Technical School Požega
  • Industrial park Nova Gradiška d.o.o.
  • University of Slavonski Brod Connect
  • IT association for the development of information and communication technologies FabLab
  • Association for the Promotion of Digital Fabrication Brod-Posavina County

Short description: Knowledge transfer Competence Centre ‘Slavonika 5.1’ / Technical School Slavonski Brod Industrial and trade school Slavonski Brod Industrial and trade school Nova Gradiška Electrotechnical and Economic School Nova Gradiška Technical School Ruđer Bošković Vinkovci Technical School Nikola Tesla Vukovar Technical School Županja Mechanical engineering and technical school Osijek Valpovo High School High school “Stjepan Ivšić” Industrial and trade school Slatina Technical School Požega Industrial park Nova Gradiška d.o.o. University of Slavonski Brod Connect IT association for the development of information and communication technologies FabLab Association for the Promotion of Digital Fabrication Brod-Posavina County In the field of mechanical engineering, the Regional Competence Center “Slavonika 5.1” is established with the Technical School Slavonski Brod as the holder. Algebra participated as a key partner in the development of occupational and qualification standards, the development of vocational curricula and the modernization of the teaching process through the development of digital educational content and professional development programs. The purpose of this RCK is to ensure a quality system of vocational education, adult education and lifelong learning with continuous, purposeful and strategic development in cooperation with employers, founders, development agencies, professional associations, higher education institutions and the civil sector, which can contribute to the development of a system of vocational education in the mechanical engineering sector that will be attractive, innovative, flexible, technologically advanced, especially for the implementation of work-based learning. RCK Slavonika x Tehnička škola Slavonski Brod – Regionalni centar kompetentnosti Slavonika

Establishment of the Regional Competence Centre of medical school Bjelovar

Algebra project partners:

  • Medical School Bjelovar Bjelovar-Bilogora County
  • Medical School Osijek
  • Koprivnica High School
  • Andrija Štampar School of Health and Veterinary Medicine Vinkovci
  • Secondary Medical School Slavonski Brod
  • Technical School Virovitica
  • Bjelovar University of Applied Sciences
  • CES
  • PJR d.o.o.
  • Croatian Chamber of Nurses
  • CRIDENS d.o.o.
  • Adult Education College IDEM

Short description: The purpose of this project is to ensure a quality system of vocational education, adult education and lifelong learning with continuous, purposeful and strategic development in cooperation with employers, founders, development agencies, professional associations, higher education institutions and the civil sector, which can contribute to the development of a system of vocational education in the mechanical engineering sector that will be attractive, innovative, flexible, technologically advanced, especially for the implementation of work-based learning.

Green professions and communication for work – a guarantee of the future in Slavonia

Algebra project partners:

  • Association EU Center
  • City of Osijek

Short description: The project is aimed at strengthening the employability of marginalized groups, primarily long-term unemployed through a verified training program for Python developers as well as provision of training aimed at raising communication skills.

EqUal iNclusIon of LGBTIQ stUdents in VET : “UNIQUE”

Acronym: UNIQUE

Algebra project partners:

  • IEK – AKHM, Greece
  • BK-CON, Germany
  • Centre for Civic Initiatives
  • The Global Alliance for LGBT
  • Education GALE, Netherlands
  • Internationaler Bund, Poland
  • Kes College, Cyprus
  • Navets, Bulgaria
  • Symplex, Greece

Short description: Classical educational materials seek to replicate traditional gender norms, thus contributing to the maintenance of discrimination and stereotypes towards LGBTIQ+ participants, even unintentionally or unconsciously. At the same time, VET teachers are often not trained or prepared for open classroom discussion on issues that are considered “sensitive” or may themselves be biased. In this context, the UNIQUE project will try to change the status by modernizing the educational schemes and introducing modern, inclusive and innovative training techniques to VET teachers.

Academy in progress

Algebra project partners:

  • Academy of Fine Arts, Zagreb
  • Academy of Arts, University of Split
  • Museum of Contemporary Art
  • Croatian Association of Artists
  • University of Zagreb
  • Faculty of Political Science

Short description: The purpose of this project is to improve the quality and relevance of the acquired qualifications of students attending university undergraduate and graduate study programs of painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb (ALU) and the Academy of Arts in Split (UMAS). In line with the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy, this project leads to improvement the existing university undergraduate and graduate study programmes in accordance with the CROQF principles as well as lifelong learning educational programs in the fields of entrepreneurship in creative industries and Intellectual Property Protection.

Applied Data Science Educational Ecosystem

Acronym: ADSEE

Algebra project partners:

  • Universitet Van Amsterdam (UvA), The Netherlands
  • Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB), Germany
  • Fakulteta za informacijske studije v Novem Mestu (FiŠ), Slovenia
  • Arctur racunalski Inzeniring doo, Slovenia

Short description: The aim of the project is to create educational content in the field of data science, adapted for application in the educational process in non-technical areas. The project partners conducted a needs survey in the areas of culture and protection of cultural heritage, labour market analysis, retail and privacy and accordingly made interactive educational contents. Their application aims to demonstrate to students of non-technical sciences the high benefit of the so-called data-driven approach in decision-making.

Implementation of CQF in the field of graphic engineering, multimedia and visual communication

Algebra project partners:

  • Faculty of Graphic Arts Zagreb
  • University Of The North
  • Telecenter Croatian
  • Chamber of Economy

Short description: This project seeks to achieve the goals of quality education relevant in relation to the labour market. The project will develop 4 new university study programmes (2 graduate and 2 undergraduate) in the field of graphic technology, multimedia and visual communication in accordance with qualification standards (4 new) and 4 occupational standards.

Implementation of CQF in computer science adult training

Algebra project partners:

  • Croatian Information Society
  • Croatian Employers’ Association – HUP

Short description: The project addressed partial qualifications in the field of computer science and information technologies in adult education, relying directly on the basic principles of the Croatian Qualifications Framework Act (OG 22/13) and the methodology of the Ordinance on the Register of the Croatian Qualifications Framework (OG 62/14) and the Act and the Ordinance in Adult Education. 1 occupational standard, 7 partial qualification standards and 7 adult education programs in the field of computing and information technologies were developed. By provision of trainer trainings and piloting new programs, unemployed participants will become more competitive in the labour market in the computing sector.

E-Leadership Trainer Accelerator

Acronym: eLead Speed

Algebra project partners:

  • New Bulgarian University ESI CEE Bulgaria
  • Digital National Alliance Bulgaria
  • Munster University of Applied Sciences Germany
  • ISTUD Business school Italy
  • Gruppo Pragma Italy

Short description: The aim of this project was to create an accelerator for teachers and instructors through which innovative educational practices in the field of e-Leadership will be spread. High-quality educational materials were developed based on industry 4.0 concept, efficient use of new ICT tools, innovative curriculum development methods and creative collaborative environment. The education materials will be used by teachers and students in higher education institutions (HEI) and in vocational and lifelong education (VET).

ProActive – Professional activation for employment

Acronym: ProActive

Algebra project partners:

  • Selectio ltd
  • Public open University Andragog
  • URIHO – Institution for Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities
  • Croatian Employment Service – Regional Office Zagreb

Short description: The project was aimed at increasing the employability of 60 unemployed members of vulnerable groups – young unemployed persons, especially people with disabilities and the NEET individuals through the implementation of career counselling, trainings and apprenticeship.

Innovative VET for Key Competences in the Emerging Field of Forest Bio-economy


Algebra project partners:

  • Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO)
  • Gozdar Institute of Slovenia (SFI)
  • Institute for The Guests of Slovenia (SFS)
  • Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU), Austria
  • Bundesforschungs und Ausbildungszentrum für Wald, Naturgefahren und Landschaft (BFW), Austria

Short description: The topic of bio-economy is becoming the leading paradigm of the forestry sector being a part of the priority policy and strategies of the European Union. However, little is known about it and is rarely part of vocational education and training programmes in the partner countries of the project. This project tackled this challenge and resulted with a new curriculum and e-course on bio-economy based on forestry, primarily intended for experts in the field of forestry and wood technology.

IT education for a safer tomorrow

Algebra project partners:

  • Croatian Employment Service, Regional Office Sisak
  • Croatian Employment Service, Regional Office Vukovar
  • Croatian Employment Service, Regional Office Rijeka

Short description: The project was aimed at increasing the number of adults in education beyond initial education and strengthening employability of participants by increasing their key competences through the implementation of 5 programs (Web designer, Computer operator, ECDL specialist, System and network administrator – specialist and Computer programmer of Internet applications).

New knowledge for EU projects for local development

Algebra project partners:

  • City of Benkovac
  • City of Zadar
  • Zadar County
  • Development Agency ZADRA NOVA

Short description: Overall objective of the project was to contribute to increasing the employability of the most vulnerable groups in the labour market through the capacity building for preparation and implementation of innovative local projects to boost employment aligned with local needs and strategic priorities.

Expansion of the DigiBoost Business Incubator services aimed at increase of the success of SMEs and promotion of entrepreneurship

Short description: The aim of this project is to develop and increase the offer of business support services and to increase information about them intended for SMEs.

AKO – Get active and compete

Acronym: AKO

Algebra project partners:

  • Croatian Employment Service, Regional Office Sisak
  • Croatian Chamber of Economy – Sisak County Chamber
  • Euroart 93 d.o.o.
  • Focus Infoprojekt d.o.o.
  • Maracom d.o.o.
  • Applied Ceramics d.o.o.
  • To reativa studio d.o.o.
  • CES – Regional Office Kutina
  • Association IKS

Short description: The aim of the project was to increase the employability young people up to 29 years old from Sisak-Moslavina County. The project includes the development of three new tailored workshops covering entrepreneurship, job search in the digital environment and volunteering. In addition, education programs for young people (web design and internet application developer – PHP, MySQL and internet application developer – C#, ASP.NET) were implemented, after which young people were directly connected with employers.

Strengthening Professional Higher Education in Central and South-Eastern Europe

Acronym: PROSCEE

Algebra project partners:

  • European Association of Institutions in Higher Education, Belgium
  • Skupnost višjih strokovnih šol Republike Slovenije
  • The Czech Association of Professional Higher Education
  • The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference
  • AZVO – Agency for science and higher education
  • Council of Polytechnics and Colleges
  • National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania
  • The Knowledge Innovation Centre, Malta

Short description: The main objective of this project was to unite key participants in the field of higher professional education and vocational education and training from all over Europe, aiming to develop specific guidelines for priority management in each of the countries involved and throughout the region.

Implementation of CROQF in multimedia

Algebra project partners:

  • University Of The North
  • HUP – Croatian Employers’ Association
  • Telecentar Association

Short description: The project regulated the system of qualifications in the field of multimedia, relying directly on the basic principles of the Croatian Qualifications Framework Act (OG 22/13) and the methodology of the Ordinance on the Register of the Croatian Qualifications Framework (OG 62/14).

Implementation of the Croatian Qualifications Framework (CROQF) in an adult education institution in the field of green jobs

Algebra project partners:

  • Katedra – College for Information and Vocational Training
  • Končar – Electronics and Informatics Inc.
  • Croatian Employers’ Association – HUP

Short description: The project brought together 2 adult education institutions, 1 employer from the sector and 1 employer’s association, with the aim of developing 1 occupational standard, 6 partial qualification standards and 6 new programs for adult education in the field of green professions.

Development of elements of qualifications, programs and curricula in computer competence in primary education

Algebra project partners:

  • Croatian Academic and Research Network (CARNet)
  • Education and Teacher Training Agency (AZOO)
  • Croatian Information Society

Short description: During the project, the primary school curriculum was developed by introducing information and communication technologies in the teaching of 8 subjects – Croatian language, foreign language, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, history and geography. In addition to the curriculum, a interactive digital teaching guidelines for all eight subjects have been developed.

Capacity building of local adult education institutions in the implementation of education for mobile application developers


Algebra project partners:

  • Vocational school Đurđevac
  • Technical School Bjelovar
  • Bjelovar-Bilogora County

Short description: The aim of the project was to improve the quality of technical adult education in Bjelovar-Bilogora and Koprivnica-Križevci Counties in order to increase the competitiveness of mobile application developers on the national and global market.

Competitive Croatian higher education for better employability

Algebra project partners:

  • Agency for Science and Higher Education – AZVO
  • University of Split

Short description:The objective of the project was the development of new qualification standards and study programs in the field of physics and ICT that will contribute to the implementation of the Croatian Qualifications Framework (CROQF) and higher education reforms in Croatia, in order to encourage the development of new jobs and enable workforce flexibility.

Development of local capacities for mobile business

Acronym: E-Mobil

Algebra project partners:

  • CES Osijek
  • CES Vukovar
  • Association of Associations of Persons with Disabilities of Croatia
  • Associates: HUP and Moj

Short description: The aim of the project was to increase the employability and self-employment of highly educated long-term unemployed persons in the IT sector from Osijek-Baranja and Vukovar-Srijem Counties through capacity building in the field of entrepreneurship, soft skills and professional IT skills necessary for the development of applications for mobile devices. The acquired knowledge and skills were used for development of applications (10) and launch of start-ups (5).

Managers for Local Development – Let’s start the knowledge

Algebra project partners:

  • VIDRA – Agency for Regional Development of Virovitica -Podravina County
  • PANORA – Regional Development Agency of
  • Požega-Slavonia County
  • Petrinja Development Agency

Short description: The overall objective of the project was to contribute to greater employability and employment of long-term unemployed higher educated persons in Virovitica-Podravina, Požega-Slavonia and Sisak-Moslavina Counties by capacity building in development and implementation of EU projects for local development.


Algebra project partners:

  • KARDER Career Counseling and Human Resources Development, Turkey
  • Association Ballymun Job Centre Itinéraires Formation, Ireland
  • Abif – analyse, beratung und interdisziplinäre forschung, Austria
  • Academy of Management, Poland
  • Itinéraires Formation France

Short description: The NAVIGUIDE project was aimed to transfer the base of group counselling methods in professional guidance as part of the European career guidance system within six countries that participated in the project: Austria, Ireland, France, Poland, Turkey and Croatia.

Creating new opportunities for the knowledge-based economy in computing and computer engineering

Algebra project partners:

  • Ruđer Bošković High School
  • Krapina High School
  • Electrotechnical School Split
  • FAIR
  • Croatan Employers’ Association – HUP
  • IEEE

Short description: The project was aimed at creation of the teaching materials and a new curriculum for computing in secondary vocational schools in the Republic of Croatia

National availability of modern training programs in the fields of enterpreneurship, tourism, sales and marketing integrating business skills and information technology as a basis for improved competitiveness

Algebra project partners:

  • Public Open University Samobor
  • Public Open University Zaprešić
  • Croatian Open Colleges Association
  • Croatian Employers’ Association – HUP

Short description: The main project aim was to develop 5 new educational programs, two in the field of sales and one each in the field of entrepreneurship, marketing and tourism. All programmes relied on IT technology and business skills as the basis for greater competitiveness on the market of the future experts.

Computer literacy of blind and partially sighted people

Algebra project partners:

  • Croatian Association for the Promotion and Development of Typhlo-technics – HUPRT
  • Croatian Information Society

Short description: The project strengthened the competitiveness of blind and visually impaired people in the labour market through the development of the first IT literature in Croatia printed in Braille letter and stored in digital form that enabled visually impaired people to independently attend classes and successfully implement ECDL education. In addition, a specialized IT training centre for blind and visually impaired people was established and equipped in Zagreb, as well as an interactive portal.

Knowledge and competences, an opportunity for people with disabilities

Algebra project partners:

  • Association of Persons with Disabilities of Samobor and Sv. Nedjelja
  • Public OU Samobor

Short description: The aim of the project was to improve the quality of life, employment and social inclusion of people with disabilities. Education for proactive job search was developed and implemented, as well as education for basic computer literacy and advanced IT skills.

Knowledge and competences, an opportunity for people with disabilities

Algebra project partners:

  • Association of Persons with Disabilities of Samobor and Sv. Nedjelja
  • Public OU Samobor

Short description: The aim of the project was to improve the quality of life, employment and social inclusion of people with disabilities. Education for proactive job search was developed and implemented, as well as education for basic computer literacy and advanced IT skills.

Knowledge to work

Algebra project partners:

  • ZaMirNET
  • Croatian Employment Service, regional service Zadar
  • Zadar County
  • City of Benkovac
  • Croatian Chamber of Economy (Zadar County Chamber)

Short description: The project has improved the employability, social inclusion and quality of life of 120 young unemployed people and people with special needs from Zadar County through their education in the field of IT skills. Job centres have been established and equipped in Zadar county, where the unemployed will have the opportunity to use computers, internet and educational resources free of charge.

Developing skills in Intellectual Property Rights Open Data for Sustainability and Circularity

Acronym: IPR4SC

Algebra project partners:

  • Faculty of Information Studies (Slovenia)
  • NORD University (Norway)
  • Link Campus University (Italy)
  • VALUEDO (Italy)
  • Pannon Business Network Association (Hungary)
  • LOGIKA (Slovenia)
  • Erre Quadro (Italy)
  • Geoss Ltd Educational Centre (Slovenia)
  • Hellenic Open University (Greece)

Short description: IPR4SC targets the lack of intellectual property informatics and management skills, i.e. ‘IP for business’ skills, that are enriched with green, digital and entrepreneurial skills. Their lack can present a barrier to successfully engage in the new (digitally enabled) transitions towards more sustainability and circularity, whilst achieving economic growth. The general aim of the project is to increase the innovation capacity of EU inventors, trained in HE and VET organizations, in designing and implementing sustainable and circular economy businesses by boosting IP for business skills. The project will develop educational offerings to be delivered by the HEI and VET providers that are adapted to the various target groups, include the use of open resources, and support putting IP for business into practice.

Cybersecurity for all

Acronym: CS4ALL

Algebra project partners:

  • Lovely Professional University (India)
  • Edulab Educational Exchange Private Limited (India)
  • Lokmanya Tilak Jankalyan Shikshan Sanstha Nagpur (India)
  • University Gujarat (India), EDEX – Educational Excellence Corporation Limited (Cipar)
  • Universitat Politecnica De Valencia (Spain)
  • University Pokhara (Nepal)
  • Dirghayu Nepal (Nepal)
  • Actionaid Nepal (Nepal)
  • Institut Pertanian Bogor (Indonesia)
  • Yayasan Pendidikan Jaya (Indonesia)
  • Far-Western University (Nepal)
  • AIESEC Indonesia (Indonesia)
  • Chikitsak Samuha’s Sir Sitaram and Lady Shantabai Patkar College of Arts & Science i V. P. Varde College of Commerce & Economics (India)

Short description: CS4ALL is an initiative in three Asian countries to provide cybersecurity tools, knowledge and skills to teachers, graduates and civil society in India, Nepal and Indonesia to increase their IT resistance in the current digital age given the higher cybercrime rate and risks affecting both individuals and organizations. The specific objectives of the project are: (1). Development of a modular cybersecurity program (4 courses, 3 ECTS each) for teachers and graduate students; (2) Establishment/modernization of 9 cybersecurity classrooms in higher education institutions; (3) Development of micro qualifications for adult participants and professionals as part of the lifelong learning strategy of beneficiary institutions; (4) Development of workshops and dissemination events for civil society to raise awareness of cyber threats and facilitate cyber protection.

Adriatic regional scientific center for the development of skills in the field of STEM, ICT, entrepreneurship and active citizenship

Acronym: Jadranski RZC STEM

Algebra project partners:

  • Split-Dalmatia County, Center of Excellence of Split-Dalmatia County (SDZ)
  • Cluster for Eco-Social Innovation and Development Split
  • City of Gospić, International Development Norway (IDN)
  • Agency for development of Lika-Senj County LIRA
  • Lika – Senj County (LSŽ)
  • National Center for External Evaluation of Education
  • Kostrena Elementary School
  • Faculty of Science in Split

Short description: The aim of the project is to strengthen the capacity of primary schools in SDZ, LSŽ and surrounding areas with the aim of improving the STEM skills of teachers and other educational staff. The project envisages the establishment of a regional scientific center (RZC) based in SDŽ (Split) and a branch in LSŽ (Gospić). The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the creation of content, tools, activities and opportunities for the development and strengthening of STEM, ICT, entrepreneurial and civic capacities, competence and skills of teachers, other educational workers and primary school students.

Adrion transnational master in renewable energy

Acronym: Adrion TRAINEE

Algebra project partners:

  • University of Patras/ Panepistimio Patron (Greece)
  • Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (Italy)
  • Energo-dana (Croatia)
  • Green Technologies Ltd, International University of Sarajevo (BIH)
  • IUAV University of Venice, Solar Info Community srl (Italy)
  • University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Engineering (Serbia)
  • University of Tirana (Albania)
  • University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (Croatia)

Short description: The renewable energy sector in the Adriatic region is on the rise. A careful and up-to-date approach to renewables can also unlock the potential of marginal areas and ensure equitable access to energy. Yet without adequate expertise, this growth threatens the value and identity of the landscape and, in general, the provision of key natural resources and services. In order to avoid pitfalls and take advantage, different strategies must function in parallel: technological development, academic research, capacity building and policy shaping. The necessary cultural and mental shift is significant and must be rapid and effective. To meet these challenges, ADRION TRAINEE raises multidisciplinary competencies and skills on the topic of renewable energy by designing a joint “Master’s degree in Renewable Energy” (in English).

CROatian Industry and Society BOosting – European Digital Innovation HUB


Algebra project partners:

  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb (FER), Croatian
  • Chamber of Economy (CCE), Croatian
  • Agency for SMEs, Innovations and Investments (HAMAG-BICRO)
  • University Computing Centre of the University of Zagreb (SRCE)
  • Innovation Centre Nikola Tesla (ICENT)
  • Infodom d.o.o.

Short description: European Digital Innovation Centre EDIH CROBOHUB++ is a project aimed at accelerating the digital and green transformation of entrepreneurs in the fields of agriculture, energy and the environment, manufacturing and the public sector. The beneficiaries of the project are small and medium-sized enterprises that want to raise the level of digital maturity, as well as stakeholders from public administration. Through the project, the consortium offers services of pre-investment testing, technological integration and adaptation, digital testing, demonstration activities, knowledge and technology transfer, financial and business consulting, networking and skills development in various digital and business competencies.

Education 4 Space 4 Croatia


Algebra project partners:

  • ATOS (Croatia)

Short description: Croatia has a Cooperation Agreement with the European Space Agency since 2018, but at the moment it still does not have a national space program or any national space strategy or vision for the development of space technologies or space entrepreneurship. The project will contribute to increasing the ability of Croatian society to develop the potential of space companies in order to be ready for the future accession of Croatia to the ESA Convention and strengthening the competitiveness of Croatian industry on the global space market that will stimulate economic growth, which will contribute to strengthening European expertise in the space industry.

Empowering participation and accelerating synergies with an emphasis on green and digital transition


Algebra project partners:

  • Faculty of Information Studies in Novo Mesto
  • Development Centre Novo Mesto Svetovanje In Razvoj ltd.
  • Universitatea Din Craiova, Agentia Pentru Dezvoltare Regionalasud-Vest Oltenia
  • Vsb – Ostrava Technical University,  Moravskoslezske Innovative Centrum Ostrava
  • Development Agency Zagreb
  • Steinbeis 2i Gmbh

Short description: There is a significant difference in research and innovation performance between EU Member States. This difference was also reflected in different levels of participation in framework programs, for which the allocation of funding is based on excellence. Weak participation limits the potential of poorly performing countries to overcome gaps in their research and innovation systems. In recent years, one of the European Commission’s top priorities has been bringing together cohesion policy and Horizon 2020/Horizon Europe with the aim of strengthening the impact of both policies by creating complementarity, especially in less developed and peripheral regions. Taking these facts into account, the TWIN SYNERGIES project aims to support the EU’s strategic context in creating synergies at operational and management level, focusing on an upward path of synergies – human resources development and internationalization. The TWIN SYNERGIES project, which will bring together 9 partners from 4 expansion countries and one EU Member State, will develop and implement compatible, tailored but transferable activities for capacity building, internationalization, human resources development, cooperation, valorization and technology uptake, with a focus on current developments related to the green and digital transitions. In addition, as a key part of synergies at the beginning of the production chain, the project will place a strong emphasis on improving the cooperation and communication corridors between relevant actors, in particular EU bodies and national authorities involved in the programming and implementation of higher education and ERDF support.

Empowering participation and accelerating synergies with an emphasis on green and digital transition


Algebra project partners:

  • Zagreb University of Applied Sciences
  • Međimurje Unersity of Apllied Sciences Čakovec,
  • College of Tourism and Informatics Management,
  • Bjelovar University of Applied Sciences,
  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology Osijek
  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Split,
  • College of Management and Design Aspira, Split,
  • Croatian Employers’ Association,
  • College of Information Technology(VsiTE),
  • University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica,
  • University of Applied Sciences Hrvatsko Zagorje Krapina

Short description: The project brought together all potential contractors of professional studies that result in the qualifications of “professional bachelor of computer engineer” and “professional specialist computer engineer”. Due to the heterogeneity of the existing qualifications, and adhering to the basic premises of the CROQF on the conformity of the name and content of the qualification, this project aimed to regulate the field of professional studies in computer science through the development of 9 qualification standards (3 at the undergraduate and 6 at the graduate level), and to improve /develop 10 study programs in accordance with the qualification framework.