The academic year consists of two semesters. The so-called winter semester starts at the end of September or beginning of October and the summer semester starts after the winter examination period in February.
Each semester consists of 15 weeks of classes and a total of 5 weeks of examination periods. After the eight weeks of classes, the first mid-term exams will be held for two weeks. The fifteenth week of classes will be followed by the second mid-term examination period and corrective examination periods.
The autumn examination period awaits you before the end of the study year and will be held for four weeks. More information on mid-term exams and examination schedules can be found below.
The best path to success is to gradually pass courses through mid-term exams. Take advantage of this opportunity and don’t leave everything for the end of the semester!
Accurate information about the weeks with classes, weeks with mid-term exams and examination weeks as well as public holidays and non-working days can be found in the Academic calendar.

Each semester consists of 15 weeks of classes and a total of 5 weeks of examination periods. After the eight weeks of classes, the first mid-term exams will be held for one week. The fifteenth week of classes will be followed by the second mid-term examination period and corrective examination periods.
The autumn examination period awaits you before the end of the study year and will be held for four weeks. More information on mid-term exams and examination schedules can be found in Infoeduka – the digital student system.
Please note!
The published schedule is informative and serves only as a basis for general and rough planning. The schedule published within the Infoeduka system is an official schedule and may differ from the informative schedule. The official schedule is personalized for each student and will be available until the beginning of every semester in the Infoeduka digital student system.
The official schedule is significantly different from the one shown in the weeks with public holidays. The official schedule of classes is available exclusively within Infoeduk’s digital student system. The University is not responsible for student absences from classes that may occur using this informative schedule. The University will not update this schedule during the semester, while the schedule in the Infoeduka digital student system will be up to date.
Bachelor study programmes – 1st year
Students are divided into groups. In the designation of the group, the first letter “R” marks full-time student groups, while “I” marks part-time student groups. The second letter (for groups that have it) represents the study programme or a programme specialization, so, for example, “D” is for digital marketing groups.
The schedule alternates between even and odd weeks throughout the 15 weeks of the semester. The first week of classes is an odd week, the second is even, the third is odd, etc. A detailed and personalized schedule for each student is available within Infoeduka – the digital student system.
Bachelor study programmes – 2nd year
Students are divided into groups. In the designation of the group, the first letter “R” marks full-time student groups, while “I” marks part-time student groups. The second letter (for groups that have it) represents the study programme or a programme specialization, so, for example, “P” is for software engineering groups, “M” for multimedia, and “D” for digital marketing.
The schedule alternates between even and odd weeks throughout the 15 weeks of the semester. The first week of classes is an odd week, the second is even, the third is odd, etc. A detailed and personalized schedule for each student is available within Infoeduka – the digital student system.
Bachelor study programmes – 3rd year
Students are divided into groups. In the designation of the group, the first letter “R” marks full-time student groups, while “I” marks part-time student groups. The second letter (for groups that have it) represents the study programme or a programme specialization, so, for example, “P” is for software engineering groups, “M” for multimedia, and “D” for digital marketing.
The schedule alternates between even and odd weeks throughout the 15 weeks of the semester. The first week of classes is an odd week, the second is even, the third is odd, etc. A detailed and personalized schedule for each student is available within Infoeduka – the digital student system.
Master study programmes – 1st year
Students are divided into three groups (1DS, 1DP and 1DD) depending on the type of study programme and specialization enrolled. The schedule alternates between even and odd weeks throughout the 15 weeks of the semester. The first week of classes is an odd week, the second is even, the third is odd, etc. A detailed and personalized schedule for each student is available within Infoeduka – the digital student system.