The Student Union is the heart of the student community, representing the voice of students and encouraging their participation in key issues concerning their education and student experience. The Student Union plays a crucial role in achieving numerous goals and tasks aimed at enhancing student life, which are fundamental to the success of any student community. Some of the main tasks of the Student Union include:

  • Representing the interests of students in the University Senate and other relevant University bodies: advocating for the improvement of student conditions, fighting for fairer education policies and supporting various initiatives that contribute to a better student experience.
  • Creating a dynamic, inspiring and encouraging student community where every student feels supported, motivated and included.
  • Achieving high standards in the quality of education, creating spaces for creativity and innovation and building long-term connections and partnerships within and outside the academic community.
  • Organising various events and activities such as sports tournaments, cultural events, seminars and workshops, which provide excellent opportunities for fun and socialising, promote the feeling of community among students and contribute to the development of skills and interests.
  • Promoting academic excellence through various support programmes, scholarships or mentorship.
  • Providing support and advice for students, such as information on student rights and services, and offering emotional support and advice during difficult times.
  • Collaborating with other organisations, the local community and the business and public sectors to facilitate the implementation of various projects and initiatives that benefit the student community and the wider society.

The Student Union is a key institution that represents the voice of students, promotes their interests and ensures that their experiences at Algebra University are as high-quality as possible. By achieving its goals and tasks, the Student Union becomes an indispensable segment in achieving the success and well-being of the student community.

The Student Union of Algebra University is a crucial driver of positive change and success for all students!

Students of Algebra University are members of the students’ association Council of Polytechnics and Colleges. This way, the president of the Council of Polytechnics and Colleges represents the students of our University in the Croatian Student Council (CSC) which is a member of the European Students’ Union (ESU). The ESU is the umbrella organisation of 45 national unions of students (NUS) from 38 countries (March 2012). Each national union of students is open to all students in their respective country regardless of political persuasion, religion, ethnic or cultural origin, sexual orientation or social standing. We consider our membership in the ESU important because the aim of the ESU is to represent and promote educational, social, economic and cultural interests of students at the European level towards all relevant bodies, in particular the European Union, the Bologna Follow-Up Group, the Council of Europe and UNESCO. Through its members, the ESU represents over 11 million students in Europe.

Useful links about topics in this field:

President of the Student Union: Dominik Despot