No. 1 quality assurance system in Croatia

Creating a digital future in Croatia for 26 years

Institutional exchange agreements with more than 100 institutions

96% of alumni employed 3 months after graduation

Learning outcomes on the programme level


Exceptionally, the right to enrol may be granted to applicants who have previously completed a study of an appropriate level that is not from the specified fields, with the mandatory completion of a preparatory programme that is considered suitable for enrolling in a master study programme and/or fulfilling certain distinctive obligations during the course of study.

Course Schedules

Classes for full-time students take place according to the schedule and from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on weekdays, and for part-time and master students from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on weekdays and from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Saturdays, all in accordance with the schedule for each group and year.

Study Duration

Master study programmes are conducted during a period of four semesters or two years. Each study year (two semesters) are equivalent to 60 ECTS.

Title to be acquired

Student completes a professional master study programme by passing all required exams, i.e. obtaining a minimum of 120 ECTS points and preparing the final thesis and passing the final exam in accordance with the study programme i.e. a total of 300 ECTS points including the 180 ECTS obtained during bachelor level study.

Industry Certifications

Students of the Algebra University will be able to take their exams during their studies.

Potential Careers

Included Software Packages

Students can use the Microsoft Imagine subscription, which includes over 60 Microsoft products.

Study type


Medium of instruction


Study programme duration

4 semesters (2 years)

Semester duration

15 weeks of active teaching
+ 4 examination weeks

Total number of ECTS points


Algebra University Title

mag. ing. comp.

Professional Master in Computer Engineering, sub-specialization in Data science

Certifications obtained during studies

ITIL Foundation

Introduction to Programming Using Python

Tableau Desktop Qualified Associate