Semester: 3
Lectures: 6
Practice sessions: 9
Independent work: 165
Module Code: 24-000-0480
Semester: 3
Lectures: 6
Practice sessions: 9
Independent work: 165
Module Code: 24-000-0480

Module title:

Innovative Project 3 - Go to market strategies

Module overview:

Innovative project 3 – Go to market Strategies

The aim of the module is for student teams to finalise their innovative products/services. They will make their first attempts, facilitated by their teachers and mentors, at acquiring their first customers. Using the wide university’s ecosystem, they will be given guidance at building partnership networks needed for successful product launch.

Students will also learn what are the required steps in the process of intellectual property protection, as well as about the legal framework for regulation of team relations. They will be shown how the financing path of a startup looks like, what are pros and cons of bootstrapping as opposed to the bankrolling or VC investments.

Finally, with the help of professional communication experts, they will work on perfecting their final pitch. They will acquire the skills of an elevator pitch, pitch for investors, and wide-audience sales pitch. In the final step of the module, they will pitch their new products/services before a wide audience of investors, companies and business experts – their potential future partners, customers, but also employers.


Essential reading:
1. Ries, E. (2011) Lean Startup. 1st edn. New York City: Crown Publishing.

Recommended reading:
1. Trott, P. (2016) Innovation Management and New Product Development. 6th edn. Edinburgh Gate: Pearson.
2. Christensen, C. (2016) The Innovator’s Dilemma. Kindle edn. Boston: Harvard Business Review.
3. Wunkler S, Wattman, J. and Farber, D. (2016) Jobs to be Done. Illustrated edn. Broadway: Amacom.
2. Kim C. (2015) Blue Ocean Strategy. Revised edn. Boston: Harvard Business Review.