Semester: 3
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 105
Module Code: 24-132-0487
Semester: 3
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 105
Module Code: 24-132-0487

Module title:

Applied DevOps

Lecturers and associates:

Ivan Radoš, Lecturer

Module overview:

This module introduces students to workflows in software development, their automation and continuous delivery of software products.

This module is core to the subspecialisation and provides the foundation for a wide number of programming modules that students will take in the following semesters. Skills learnt in this module will contribute significantly to students’ development as professionals in respecting fields.

Students will learn:
• About different workflows and their automation in software development.
• About continuous integration concepts, tools and workflows.
• About development and delivery automation concepts.
• How to use modern tools to implement selected workflows.

The module is taught in C# programming language. The module assessment is based on solving a series of smaller practical tasks and on individual student software development and automation projects.


Essential reading:
1. Verona, J. (2018) Practical DevOps: Implement DevOps in your organization by effectively building, deploying, testing, and monitoring code. 2nd edn. Birmingham: Packt Publishing.

Recommended reading:
1. Kim, G. et al (2016) The DevOps Handbook: How to Create World-Class Agility, Reliability, and Security in Technology Organizations. Portland: IT Revolution Press.