No. 1 quality assurance system in Croatia
Creating a digital future in Croatia for 26 years
Institutional exchange agreements with more than 100 institutions
96% of alumni employed 3 months after graduation
Software Engineer
Depending on your area of interest, you’ll be working with networks, operating systems, databases and applications.
Business Information Systems Project Specialist
Take part in development of vital information systems that companies heavily rely on.
Internet App Developer
Whether it’s a specialist for .NET or Java, your skills will definitively fit the job description.
Computer Game Developer
Programmers are highly sought-after in small, indie studios as well as large industry giants such as Bethesda, Blizzard and Ubisoft.
Mobile App Developer
Thousands of new ideas for that perfect mobile app are being developed each day. Be a part of the new Instagram, WhatsApp or Twitter.
Database Design
Expert for databases responsible for all phases of development including design, development and programming.
Study type
Medium of instruction
Study programme duration
4 semesters (2 years)
Semester duration
15 weeks of active teaching
+ 4 examination weeks
Total number of ECTS points
Algebra University Title
Professional Master in Computer Engineering
Certifications obtained during studies
ITIL Foundation