Head of department
Katedra za digitalnu umjetnost omogućuje studentima stjecanje kreativnih vještina i znanja unutar digitalnog prostora.
Kolegiji unutar katedre su sastavljeni prema tržišnim i umjetničkim potrebama za uspješnu realizaciju vizualno-digitalnih projekata. Naglasak je na kolegije umjetničkog područja vizualnog oblikovanja, oblikovanja prostornih komunikacija i upravljanje procesima oblikovanja. Nadalje, kolegiji koji čine dodanu vrijednost katedri su oni u kojima studenti razvijaju svoje vještine i alate: crtanje, tipografija, fotografija i video te digitalne platforme. Predavači unutar katedre su uz nastavnu djelatnost aktivni i na tržištu sa svojim umjetničkim projektima u području vizualnih komunikacija i digitalne umjetnosti.
Kolegiji unutar katedre su sastavljeni prema tržišnim i umjetničkim potrebama za uspješnu realizaciju vizualno-digitalnih projekata. Naglasak je na kolegije umjetničkog područja vizualnog oblikovanja, oblikovanja prostornih komunikacija i upravljanje procesima oblikovanja. Nadalje, kolegiji koji čine dodanu vrijednost katedri su oni u kojima studenti razvijaju svoje vještine i alate: crtanje, tipografija, fotografija i video te digitalne platforme. Predavači unutar katedre su uz nastavnu djelatnost aktivni i na tržištu sa svojim umjetničkim projektima u području vizualnih komunikacija i digitalne umjetnosti.
Modules within the department
- Drawing 1 - Drawing techniques
- History of visual communications design
- Visual design 1 - Basic elements and principles
- Drawing 2 - Drawing techniques
- Creative process
- Creative writing
- Typography 1
- Digital forms design
- Introduction to 3D modeling
- Drawing 1 - Drawing techniques
- History of visual communications design
- Visual design 1 - Basic elements and principles
- Drawing 2 - Drawing techniques
- Creative process
- Creative writing
- Typography 1
- Digital forms design
- Introduction to 3D modeling
- Visual design 2 - DTP
- Presentation design elements
- Idea management
- Creative processes management
- Drawing 3 - Art structures
- Photography 1
- Photographic content design
- Typography 2
- Visual design 3 - Logotype and graphic standards
- Web and screen design 1 - Interaction systems
- Interactions design
- Basics of animation
- Light and colour
- Organic forms design
- Drawing 3 - Art structures
- Photography 1
- Photographic content design
- Typography 2
- Basics of animation
- Light and colour
- Organic forms design
- Public visual communications design
- Art direction 1
- Digital illustration 2
- Visual design 5 - Packaging
- Web and screen design 3 - User interface design
- Print and colour
- 3D lighting and rendering
- Character animation
- Texturing
- Plastic anatomy
- Conceptual illustration 2
- Public visual communications design
- Art direction 1
- 3D lighting and rendering
- Character animation
- Texturing
- Plastic anatomy
- Conceptual illustration 2
- Drawing 1 - Drawing techniques
- Vector graphics design
- History of visual communications design
- Visual design 1 - Basic elements and principles
- Drawing 2 - Drawing tehniques
- Creative process
- Photographic content design
- Typography 1
- Drawing 3 - Art structures
- Typography 2
- Drawing 4 - Art structures
- Photography 1
- Introduction to video production
- Photography 2
- Public visual communications design
- Video production
- Spatial visual communications design
- Art direction 1
- Illustration in visual communication
- Art direction 2
- Portfolio
- Visual design 2 - Logotype and graphic standards
- Interactions design
- Web and screen design 1 - Interaction systems
- Culture and aesthetics
- Visual design 3 - Visual identity
- Creative writing
- Branding - Personal identity
- Web and screen design 2 - Standards in IT application
- Digital ilustration 1
- Branding - Corporate identity
- Web and screen design 3 - User interface design
- Digital ilustration 2
- Packaging Design
- Web and screen design 4 - Application design
- Print and colour
- Animated graphics
- Introduction to 3D modeling
- Basics of animation
- Light and colour
- Digital forms design
- 2D/3D Animation
- Hard-surface modelling
- Organic forms design
- Body mechanics
- Texturing
- Rigging for Animation
- Conceptual illustration 1
- Character Animation
- Plastic anatomy
- 3D lighting and rendering
- Conceptual illustration 2
- Environment Modeling
- Comparative anatomy
- 3D motion Graphics
- Interpretation and management of cultural heritage
- Interpretation and management of cultural heritage
- Branding 2 - Product identity
- Aesthetics and design theory
- Visual interactive media
- Ideation in film and video
- Sustainable development design
- Drawing 4 - Art structures
- Photography 2
- Internship
- Body mechanics
- Hard-surface modelling
- Rigging for animation
- Conceptual illustration 1
- Spatial visual communications design
- Art direction 2
- The principles of character conceptualization
- Portfolio
- Comparative anatomy
- Animated graphics
- 3D Motion Graphics
- Socially Responsible Visual Communications Design
- Branding 1 - Corporate and personal identity
- Ideation in photography
- Creative methods and techniques
- Visual storytelling
- Drawing 4 - Art structures
- Photography 2
- Internship
- Multimedia content design
- Visual design 4 - Visual identity
- Web and screen design 2 - Standards in internet technology application
- Digital ilustration 1
- Body mechanics
- Hard-surface modelling
- Rigging for animation
- Conceptual illustration 1
- Spatial visual communications design
- Art direction 2
- Visual design 6 - Individual projects
- Web and screen design 4 - Application design
- Animated graphics
- The principles of character conceptualization
- Portfolio
- Comparative anatomy
- 3D Motion Graphics