Head of department
Katedra za opće predmete omogućuje studentima stjecanje osnovnih i temeljnih znanja kao podloga za kolegije na višim godinama studija.
Katedra obuhvaća kolegije koji su jednako potrebni i sistemskim i programskim inženjerima, pa su tako kolegiji koje obuhvaća ova katedra obavezni za oba dva smjera. Radi se o kolegijima temeljnih znanja kao što su strani jezici i matematika, te kolegijima koji su specifični za ovu vrstu studija koji su potrebni kao preduvjet za svakog dobrog poznavaoca računala i informatike kao takve. Članovi Katedre, uz nastavnu djelatnost, aktivni su u znanstveno-istraživačkom radu, sudjeluju na znanstvenim i stručnim skupovima, te su autori nekoliko knjiga i priručnika.
Katedra obuhvaća kolegije koji su jednako potrebni i sistemskim i programskim inženjerima, pa su tako kolegiji koje obuhvaća ova katedra obavezni za oba dva smjera. Radi se o kolegijima temeljnih znanja kao što su strani jezici i matematika, te kolegijima koji su specifični za ovu vrstu studija koji su potrebni kao preduvjet za svakog dobrog poznavaoca računala i informatike kao takve. Članovi Katedre, uz nastavnu djelatnost, aktivni su u znanstveno-istraživačkom radu, sudjeluju na znanstvenim i stručnim skupovima, te su autori nekoliko knjiga i priručnika.
Modules within the department
- English for IT
- Mathematics
- Basics of digital electronics
- Business software tools
- Computer architecture
- Mathematical analysis
- Basics of business communication
- English for IT
- Mathematics
- Basics of digital electronics
- Business software tools
- Computer architecture
- Mathematical analysis
- Basics of business communication
- Business English
- Mathematics
- Career - Studying
- Statistics
- Project management
- Career - Communication and presentation skills
- Business English
- Mathematics
- Career - Studying
- Statistics
- Project management
- Career - Communication and presentation skills
- English language 1
- Computer science
- Psychology of market communication
- Team work and conflict management
- English language 2
- English language 1
- Computer science
- Psychology of market communication
- Team work and conflict management
- English language 2
- Psychology of consumer behaviour
- English language for the media
- Business software tools
- Research and development of multimedia content
- Creativity and creative writing
- English for IT
- Mathematics
- Digital logic
- Basics of business communication
- Career - Studying
- Mathematical analysis
- Business software tools
- Mathematics
- Business software tools
- Basics of business communication
- Business English 1
- Statistics
- Business English 2
- Mathematical foundations of game development
- Written expression and communication
- Mathematics 1
- Business English 1
- Informatics
- Business software tools
- Mathematics 2
- Business English 2
- Research draft
- Multiculturalism and identity
- Digital consumer behavior
- Innovative Project 2 - Product or services development
- Creativity and Critical Thinking
- Probability and statistics
- Instructional design and design of educational content
- Career - Marketing jobs, portfolio and CV
- Probability and statistics
- Basics of business communication
- Creativity and creative expression
- Culture and aesthetics
- Creativity and creative expression
- Digital projects development and team management
- Culture and aesthetics
- Career - Marketing jobs - portfolio and CV
- Mathematics
- Business English
- English language 1
- English language for the media
- Probability and statistics
- Project management
- Internship
- Inovative project
- Introduction to research and academic writing
- Project management
- Critical thinking
- Legal aspects of business
- Positive psychology in the business environment
- Psychology of customer experience
- Instructional design and design of educational content
- Communication and presentation skills
- Socially responsible project
- Project management
- Career - Communication and presentation skills
- Career - Teamwork
- Introduction to research and academic writing
- Psychology of customer experience
- Psychology in marketing communications
- English language 2
- Computer science
- Design and Ethics
- Psychology of market communication
- Psychology of consumer behaviour
- Creative methods and tehniques
- Quantitative methods and modelling
- Professional skills and career planning
- Physical foundations of game development
- Leading in tech industry
- Research seminar in computer science
- Legal aspects of business
- Critical thinking
- Project management
- Business ethics
- Design research and methodology
- Psychology of user experience design
- Graduation Thesis
- Project management in creative industries
- Creativity and critical thinking
- Design thinking
- Innovative Project 3 - Go to market strategies
- Project management
- ICT tools in project management
- Career - Teamwork
- Introduction to research and academic writing
- Contemporary society
- Research draft
- Digital projects development and team management