Head of department
Katedra za ekonomiju nudi potrebna interdisciplinarna znanja za efikasno i efektivno komuniciranje u digitalnoj eri.
Kroz kolegije koje obuhvaća stavlja naglasak na konstantu - čovjeka, njegovu psihologiju i društvenu interakciju te ga smješta u kontekst digitalnog društva i digitalne ekonomije kao brzo mijenjajuće varijable. Fenomeni društvenih mreža, mobilnih uređaja, informacija u oblaku te velikih skupova podataka (big data) polazišne su paradigme nastavnog sadržaja te se zbog toga kroz kolegije primjenjuju pristupi i načini rješavanja marketinških izazova prilagođeni 21. stoljeću.
Kroz kolegije koje obuhvaća stavlja naglasak na konstantu - čovjeka, njegovu psihologiju i društvenu interakciju te ga smješta u kontekst digitalnog društva i digitalne ekonomije kao brzo mijenjajuće varijable. Fenomeni društvenih mreža, mobilnih uređaja, informacija u oblaku te velikih skupova podataka (big data) polazišne su paradigme nastavnog sadržaja te se zbog toga kroz kolegije primjenjuju pristupi i načini rješavanja marketinških izazova prilagođeni 21. stoljeću.
Modules within the department
- Basics of business economics
- Basics of business economics
- Introduction to economics
- Introduction to marketing
- Consumer behaviour
- Market research
- Introduction to economics
- Introduction to marketing
- Consumer behaviour
- Market research
- Marketing
- Entrepreneurship in creative industries
- Marketing
- Entrepreneurship in creative industries
- Basics of business economics
- Introduction to economics
- Microeconomics and digital business models
- Principles of accounting and analysis of financial statements
- Principles of management
- Career - Teamwork
- Introduction to economics
- Introduction to marketing
- Career - Communication and presentation skills
- Digital advertising
- Integrated marketing communications
- Leadership
- Behavioural economics
- Digital transformation and disruptive business models
- Entrepreneurship
- Innovation management and new product development
- Psychology of customer experience
- Interactive systems design
- Integrated marketing communications
- Digital advertising
- Interactive systems design
- Integrated marketing communications
- Digital advertising
- Organization and management
- Content marketing
- Social networks
- Integrated project
- Internship
- Psychology of customer experience
- Organization and management
- Content marketing
- Social networks
- Integrated project
- Internship
- Psychology of customer experience
- Introduction to marketing
- Introduction to economics
- Marketing
- Entrepreneurship
- Business finance
- Business ethics and corporate social responsibility
- The economy of Croatia and the EU
- Human resource management
- Introduction to marketing
- Strategic management
- Integrated marketing communications
- Managerial accounting
- Organizational behaviour
- Economy of social networks
- Talent acquisition and development
- Interactive marketing
- Entrepreneurship in the digital age and the start-up ecosystem
- Market research
- Digital transformation and change management
- Principles of sales and negotiation
- Compensation management
- Financial institutions and markets
- Public finance
- Financial analysis and risk management
- Financial and non-financial reporting
- Sustainable and ethical investing
- International finance
- Algorithmic trading on the stock exchange
- Operations management
- Business decision making
- Organisational design
- International management
- Leadership and motivation
- Supply chain management
- Corporate governance
- Leading cross-cultural and virtual teams
- Organization and management
- Basics of business economics
- Content management systems
- Entrepreneurship in the creative and cultural industries
- Development of Project Financing Plan
- Consumer behaviour
- Market research
- Integrated marketing communications
- Digital advertising
- Interactive systems design
- Career - Marketing jobs, portfolio and CV
- Search engine marketing and advertising networks
- Content marketing
- Media planning and buying
- Interaction analysis in digital marketing
- Content management systems
- Search engine optimization
- Innovation management and new product development
- Integrated project
- Social networks
- Marketing data and metrics
- CRM and marketing automation
- eCommerce
- Social responsibility in marketing
- Strategic marketing
- Special topics in digital marketing
- Management and leadership
- Data Driven Storytelling
- Principles of sales and negotiation
- Socially responsible project
- Creativity and creative expression
- Marketing agency management
- International marketing
- Entrepreneurship
- Brand management in the digital era
- Multimedia content creation and management
- Corporate social responsibility
- Entrepreneurship in creative industries
- Entrepreneurship
- Marketing of computer games
- Monetization of computer games
- Starting entrepreneurial ventures
- Product management
- Entrepreneurship in the digital age and the start-up ecosystem
- Economy of social networks
- Leadership and motivation
- Digital transformation and change management
- FinTech I - Transformation of financial services
- Interactive marketing
- Managerial accounting
- Behavioural economics
- Economics of happiness and sustainable consumption
- Consumer experience in the digital age
- Art of negotiation
- Management of creative processes
- Financial derivatives and smart contracts
- Innovations in sustainable branding in the digital economy
- Neuromarketing
- Advanced financial analysis
- Economy of smart cities
- Behavioural economics
- Economics of happiness and sustainable consumption
- Consumer experience in the digital age
- Art of negotiation
- Management of creative processes
- Financial derivatives and smart contracts
- Innovations in sustainable branding in the digital economy
- Neuromarketing
- Advanced financial analysis
- Economy of smart cities
- Interactive systems design
- Social networks
- Search engine marketing and advertising networks
- Consumer behaviour
- Special topics in internet marketing
- Internship
- Interpretation and management of cultural heritage
- Principles of sales and negotiation
- Strategic marketing
- Brand management in the digital era
- Alternative marketing tools and processes
- Search engine marketing and advertising networks
- Search engine optimization
- Interaction analysis in digital marketing
- Media planning and buying
- Social responsibility in marketing
- eCommerce
- Special topics in digital marketing
- Marketing agency management
- Psychology in marketing communications
- Customer experience
- Creative economy
- Marketing data and metrics
- International marketing
- Management and Leadership
- Application of game theory in marketing
- Psychology of customer experience
- Basics of business economics
- Search engine marketing and advertising networks
- Search engine optimizaction
- Interaction analysis in digital marketing
- Media planning and buying
- Internet marketing
- Social responsibility in marketing
- eCommerce
- Special topics in digital marketing
- Marketing agency management
- Psychology in marketing communications