Semester: 2
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 105
Module Code: 23-02-518
Semester: 2
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 105
Module Code: 23-02-518

Module title:

Sensors and actuators

Module overview:

This module introduces students to transducers, both sensors and actuators as a mean of IoT devices interaction with the real world, as well as to their usage and communication protocols as a fundamental aspect of the IoT field.

This module is builds on Embedded Platforms and Operating Systems module and provides students with skills and knowledge of the correct type of sensor and actuators for a specific use case, thus furthermore enhancing the usability and quality of the data collected. Skills learnt in this module will contribute significantly to students’ development as professionals in respecting fields.

Students will learn:
• About analogue and digital interfaces used for connecting sensors to the processing unit.
• About different types of sensors, covering both principles of working and different variants of such sensors.
• About different types of actuators (standard types, different kinds of motors and standard displays).
• How to use signal processing methods to create synergetic effects.
• About sensor fusion.

The module is taught in C++ programming language. The module assessment is based on solving a series of smaller embedded practical tasks in the defined programming language and software development tool and on individual student projects. In these projects, students must create an embedded solution with sensors and actuators to the given specifications.


Essential reading:
1. Ida, N. (2020) Sensors, Actuators, and Their Interfaces: A multidisciplinary introduction (Control, Robotics and Sensors). 2nd edn. Stevenage: The Institution of Engineering and Technology.

Recommended reading:
1. Wolf, M. (2019) Embedded System Interfacing: Design for the Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Burlington: Morgan Kaufmann.
2. De Silva, C.W. (2016) Sensors and Actuators Engineering System Instrumentation Second Edition. Boca Raton: CRC Press.