Semester: 1
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 75
Module Code: 24-124-0229
Semester: 1
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 75
Module Code: 24-124-0229

Module title:

2D art for computer games 1

Lecturers and associates:

Ivan Ivanović, Lecturer

Module overview:

This module introduces students to the basics of conceptual and applied 2D art for computer games, drawing tools and ways of thinking.

This module represents the first module in the vertical of modules specialized in knowledge and skills in the field of technical art. Four more compulsory and one optional module in the same group follow this module.

The skills acquired in this module will significantly contribute to the possibility of following the following modules and will significantly contribute to the development of the student as a professional in the respective fields.

The module is taught in a 2D drawing tool. The knowledge check of the module is based on solving a series of small practical tasks in a 2D drawing tool, writing seminars and individual student projects. On these projects, students must create 2D concept art elements and 2D game elements.

Students will learn:
- basics of visual spaces
- the basics of character structure for a computer game
- about visual solutions for the conceptual visual representation of a computer game
- the impact of the visual solution on the narrative of the computer game
- create a final concept
- the impact of the final concept on storytelling in a computer game.


Obavezna literatura:
1. 3dtotal Publishing (2013) Sketching from the imagination, an insight into creative drawing. Worcestershire: 3DTotal Publishing.
2. 3dtotal Publishing (2015) Beginner´s guide to digital painting in Photoshop: Characters. Worcestershire: 3DTotal Publishing.

Dopunska literatura
1. McQue, I., Brewer, S.D. and Birault, S. (2012) Digital painting techniques, Volume 4. Worcestershire: 3DTotal Publishing.
2. Chavez, C., Faulkner, A. (2022.) Adobe Photoshop: Classroom in a Book (2022 release). Adobe Press. (chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 6)
3. McQue, I., Brewer, S.D. and Birault, S. (2012.) Digital painting techniques, Volume 4. Worcestershire: 3DTotal Publishing.
4. Janson, H. W., Janson Anthony F. (2003.) History of Art Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers.
5. Catmull, E., Wallace A. (2014.) Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration. Random House.

+ art books, web.