Semester: 1
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 105
Module Code: 24-211-0388
Semester: 1
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 105
Module Code: 24-211-0388
Module title:
Written expression and communication
Module overview:
The goal of the module is to encourage students to: • acquisition of general knowledge necessary for more successful written communication in different formats of written expression and communication; • awareness of appropriate, correct and ethical written communication in different situations of important applied areas of business communication; • development of structured and clear written expression and communication skills in the selected appropriate format; • effective shaping of content and methods of written communication; • acquiring a higher level of competence for different types of communication activities in an academic environment; • application of knowledge and skills related to written communication skills. Through this module, students will develop the skills of written expression and communication in different given formats. The module is career-oriented and, through a simulated business environment, prepares students to perform specific business tasks at different workplaces. Acquired knowledge and skills are essential for employability and career development.
Required reading: 1. C. L. Bovée, J. V. Thill. Suvremena poslovna komunikacija, Mate d.o.o., Zagreb, 2012