Semester: 6
Lectures: 30
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 90
Module Code: 23-122-0210
Semester: 6
Lectures: 30
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 90
Module Code: 23-122-0210

Module title:

Introduction to reverse rngineering

Lecturers and associates:

Module overview:

This course is designed to introduce students to the basics of reverse engineering. The course offers insights into the techniques and tools used for analysing, understanding, and deconstructing software and hardware systems. The aim is to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to analyze finished applications, understand their functionality, and identify potential vulnerabilities or areas for improvement.
In this module students will learn:
basic concepts and principles of reverse engineering.
techniques for decompiling, disassembling, and analysing software applications.
methods for uncovering the functionality of unknown software systems.
tools and techniques for identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in software.
ethical and legal considerations in reverse engineering.
practical skills in applying reverse engineering to solve real-world problems.
Find BoF vulnerabilities.


Required readings:
1. Eilam, E. (2004) Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering

Supplementary readings:
1. Dang et al. (2014) Practical reverse engineering
2. [], (2023). PE Format. Available at: (Accessed: 13 January 2024).