Semester: 8
Lectures: 30
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 90
Module Code: 23-122-0224
Semester: 8
Lectures: 30
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 90
Module Code: 23-122-0224

Module title:

Troubleshooting in ICT systems

Lecturers and associates:

Module overview:

The goals of this course are to provide students with the knowledge and skills to be able to structure the process of discovering and removing the cause of problems in complex ICT systems with minimal negative impact on the operations of a business organization. Students will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to identify and define problems, analyze problems, and design a methodological approach to eliminate the cause of the problem and/or find a workaround/temporary solution. Throughout the entire process, students are directed to shift their attention from symptoms to causes and focus on a clear and structured process and documenting progress in the process of discovering and removing the cause of the problem.
In this module students will learn:
Design a methodology for discovering the cause of problems in the ICT system
Determine the baseline value of a functional ICT system,
Detect problems in a complex ICT system,
Correctly define and distinguish symptoms and causes of problems in a complex ICT system,
Eliminate the causes of problems in a complex ICT system,
Propose and implement a change to improve the resilience of a complex information system.
In written form, clearly, accurately, and precisely argue decisions in the process of discovering and removing the cause of problems in the ICT system


Required readings:
1. Cisco (2021) Cisco networking Academy [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 21 April 2021)

Supplementary readings:
White, R. Donohue, D. (2014) Art of network architecture, the business-driven design. Cisco Press. 221 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030
Ranjbar, A. (2010) Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks. Cisco Press Cisco Press. 221 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030
Cisco (2020) Campus LAN and wireless LAN solution design guide [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 21 April 2021)
MPLS WAN Technology Design Guide - August 2014 [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 21 April 2021)
Configuration professional: Site-to-Site IPsec VPN between two IOS routers configuration example [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 21 April 2021)
Dynamic multipoint VPN configuration guide, Cisco IOS release 15MandT [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 21 April 2021)
DMVPN dual hub with dual DMVPN network [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 21 April 2021)