Semester: 3
Lectures: 30
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 120
Module Code: 24-10-519
Semester: 3
Lectures: 30
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 120
Module Code: 24-10-519

Module title:

Instructional design and design of educational content

Lecturers and associates:

Full Professor Ivana Ogrizek Biškupić

Module overview:

Knowledge, which is needed in increasing quantities and in the shortest possible time, becomes the most important competitive advantage, a crucial resource that makes the difference between successful and unsuccessful. The use of computers and technologies for the dissemination of information and the improvement of knowledge and skills are emerging as successful solutions to the above-mentioned trend.

The module focuses on turning the basic idea of instructional design, the process of micro-learning and learning, into a system that reflects the brand's message, goal, and values through the process of valorising new knowledge and skills.

The independent development of digital teaching contents and their implementation in the learning and teaching process is the final stage in the evolution of the education system within an organization, and the module as such combines knowledge from the creation of visual elements, media management and immersion into one form.

In this course, students will learn:
• Apply basic concepts in digital education and instructional design
• Valorise the mutual relationship, similarities, and differences between the concepts of methodology, didactics and pedagogy
• Formulate and apply basic concepts in instructional design
• Implement the instructional design of digital teaching content using the ADDIE model
• Analyse technologies for creating and displaying digital teaching materials and choose the most suitable technologies for some teaching content
• Create visual interactivity structures, immersions, flow charts
• Create digital teaching content
• Test digital teaching content
• Create an instructional design prototype


Required reading:

1. Jandrić, P. (2015) Osnove digitalnog obrazovanja

Additional reading:

1. Jandrić, P. (2015) Digitalno učenje
2. Jandrić, P. i Boras, D. (2012) Kritičko e-obrazovanje
3. Anderson, T. i Elloumi, F. (2008) Theory and Practice of Online Learning