Semester: 3
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 75
Module Code: 24-07-553-E
Semester: 3
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 75
Module Code: 24-07-553-E
Module title:
Light and colour
Module overview:
The objective of this module is to enable students to learn the:
• specific properties of light and colour are approached as art problems for which students look for adequate art solutions in various media
• creating conceptual art solutions for 3D modelling industry
This module teaches students to study the properties and types of light and colour, and artistic solutions to problems of light and colour. This module offers valuable complementary knowledge and insights to all other modules where problems of light and colour are present in the artworks being created. A wide range of problems concerning light and colour are being worked on in various art techniques and media traditional and digital alike. This module relates to the programme as a vital core for understanding 3D modelling in creative industries.
Students need to take this module to expose students to a wide variety of experiences concerting problems of light and colour vital to their development as artists. This module exposes students to not only analyse and recreate colour and light relations and situations but also presents methodologies of creating specific light and colour as part of creating conceptual art solutions contributing to the development of student’s creativity. This module develops knowledge and skills that are a part of an artist’s core skill set, especially important to individuals who favour figurative art, character creature conceptualization but also any art problems having to do with light or colour.
Essential reading:
1. Gurney J. (2010) Color and Light: A Guide for the Realist Painter, Kansas City, Missouri, Andrews McMeel Publishing
Recommended reading:
1. Wolfgang von Goethe J. (2016) Goethe's Theory of Colours (Illustrated Edition), Mineola, New York, Dover Publications