Semester: 5
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 45
Independent work: 60
Module Code: 24-07-561-E
Semester: 5
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 45
Independent work: 60
Module Code: 24-07-561-E
Module title:
Module overview:
The objective of this module is to enable students to learn to:
• continue to build upon the 3D modelling and sculpting knowledge and skills of students by learning various methods for creating textures for their 3D models
• create 3D models and sculptures that have a finished “skin” needed for games, AR, VR, TV commercials movies, and any other output of Computer Graphics
This module is one of the vital components of the 3D modelling vertical in the programme. This module builds upon 3D assets created in other modules in the program (Organic Forms Design, Hard-surface modelling, etc.) The module uses assets made in other modules and is highly individual in subject matter but follows a structure of units where different methodologies are taught and practiced and different problems are solved. This module relates to the program as a vital core for understanding 3D modelling in creative industries.
This module is important for students for complementing their 3D toolkit and enables a lot of different approaches to create concept art and finished assets for many environments (film, television, games, etc.) This module is crucial to forming a well-rounded CG expert. The knowledge and skills presented in this module are providing specialized but crucial expertise that is important for a CG artist to have in their toolkit.
Essential reading:
1. Ahearn L. (2016) 3D Game Textures, Create professional Game Art using Photoshop, New York, Taylor and Francis Group
Recommended reading:
1. Daniele T. (2008) Poly-Modelling With 3dsMax - Thinking Outside of the Box, New York and London, Focal Press
Further reading:
1. Chopine A. (2011) 3D Art Essentials - The Fundamentals of 3D Modelling, Texturing, and Animation, London, Routledge