Semester: 1
Lectures: 30
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 120
Module Code: 24-222-0056
Semester: 1
Lectures: 30
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 120
Module Code: 24-222-0056

Module title:


Module overview:

The objective of this module is to enable students to:
- implement mathematical models in marketing, as well as
- making independent financial decisions including a choice of optimal savings or a crediting model.

This module teaches students the theoretical and practical foundation regarding quantitative methods essential in economic modelling, with an emphasis on marketing. It is the only module in the first semester that provides students with the mathematical tools to be used in other modules of this study programme.

It is important for students to take this module in order to develop their logical and reasoning skills needed for other modules in this study programme. The knowledge students acquire in this module will contribute to the overall skillset for their future employment as digital marketing specialists. This module will expose students to a particular experience when dealing with mathematical problems and models in a practical way both individually and in teams.
In this module students will learn:
Percentage Calculation and Problem Solving
Problem Solving
Financial Mathematics
Salary Calculation
Simple Interest Calculation
Compound Interest Calculation, Types of Interest Rates
Final Value of Multiple Deposits/Withdrawals
Initial Value of Multiple Deposits/Withdrawals
Loan with Equal Annuities Method
Loan with Equal Installment Method
Loan Conversion
Functions and Applications
Linear Functions and Modeling
Polynomials and Modeling
Exponential, Logarithmic, and General Power Functions and Modeling


Davis, M.H.A. (2019) Mathematical Finance: A very short introduction. [s.l.] Oxford University Pres.

1. Hastings K.J. (2016) Introduction to Financial Mathematics.1st edn. [s.l.] Chapman and Hall/CRC.
2. Barnett, R.A., Ziegler, M.R., Byleen, K.E. (2019) College Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life Sciences and Social Sciences: Global Edition.14th edn. [s.l.] Pearson