Semester: 1
Lectures: 30
Practice sessions: 15
Independent work: 75
Module Code: 24-521-0322
Semester: 1
Lectures: 30
Practice sessions: 15
Independent work: 75
Module Code: 24-521-0322

Module title:

History of visual communications design

Module overview:

The objective of this module is to enable students to:
- understand historical presentation of the art of mankind, with special emphasis on the formation of visual communications design
- understand historical presentation and importance of the profession of visual communications design
It is important for students to take this module in order to gain knowledge of the history of the profession as a theoretical foundation, but also get acquainted with historical models from practice applicable in the careers of future professional designers of market communications.
Learning the history of visual communications design with its socio-artistic and technological conditioning and with the most significant examples of ´beautiful´ and applied visual arts in a particular era and / or style, as well as their authors, students will not only gain professional knowledge but this will arouse their interest in researching new and unknown phenomena. Extensive knowledge of visual heritage will provide them with security both in creating and presenting their design solutions and thus contribute to their development.
In this module students will learn:
analytical and critical observation of works of visual communication arts and to connect similar or different design phenomena, which can be important for them both in their studies and in their careers. With the correct placement in the first semester of the study program, students are offered the opportunity to prepare for the material that are expected during their studies, both in terms of terminology and with different approaches to the creative process.


Required readings:
1. Hollis, R. (2002) Graphic Design, A Concise History. 2nd edn, London, Thames and Hudson

Supplementary readings:
1. Livingston, A. and Livingston, I. (2012) The Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Graphic Design and Designers. 3rd edn, London, Thames and Hudson
2. Meggs, P.B. and Purvis A.W. (2016) Meggs´ History of Graphic Design. 6th edn, Hoboken, Wiley