Semester: 4
Lectures: 30
Practice sessions: 15
Independent work: 75
Module Code: 24-000-0124
Semester: 4
Lectures: 30
Practice sessions: 15
Independent work: 75
Module Code: 24-000-0124

Module title:

Project management

Lecturers and associates:

Module overview:

The objective of this module is to enable students to learn to:
Analyse different methodologies, concepts and structures of project management.
Initiate, plan and manage projects using appropriate project management software.

Students will learn the value of methodology and organization of work as a project, and about the identification of different project roles and responsibilities. This module is taught in the fourth semester of this study programme, when students have already acquired many of the skills needed for their future jobs, and it gives them the tools for planning and executing their future projects.

It is important for students to take this module to understand the value of good project management and get insight into systematic and efficient access to the resources of space, time, work force and finance. The students will therefore be able to select and recommend processes and organize them according to project requirements, to apply software management and reporting, which will contribute to the overall skillset for their future employment.
In this module students will learn to:
apply the methodology for project implementation.
define the basic elements of the Project Charter.
propose the project organization and stakeholders necessary for the implementation of the project.
apply knowledge of time management, costs, issues, scope, communication, risks, quality through all phases of the project lifecycle.
create a project plan using project management tool.
create a project progress report using a project management tool.


Required readings:
1. PM² project management methodology, Publications Office of the EU (2018) [online] Available at:

2. PM² Metodologija upravljanja projektima, Priručnik 3.0 (2019) Zagreb: Algebra.

Supplementary readings:
1. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide).6th ed. Project Management Institute (2018)

2. Individual Competence Baseline, Version 4.0, IPMA (2016) [online] Available at:

3. Kerzner, H. (2005) Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling.12th ed. Wiley.