Semester: 6
Lectures: 0
Practice sessions: 0
Independent work: 180
Module Code: 24-000-0033
Semester: 6
Lectures: 0
Practice sessions: 0
Independent work: 180
Module Code: 24-000-0033

Module title:


Lecturers and associates:

Module overview:

In addition to completing the final thesis, students are required to successfully complete professional practice within this course to apply the theoretical and practical knowledge gained during the study program to a specific workplace. Students must consult with the Career Centre to organize professional practice and confirm the tasks they will perform during the practice, which constitute part of the formal assessment within the course.
Practice is organized using the Infoeduka information system, where a list of available workplaces for conducting professional practice is located. Students choose an employer and a topic/technology of interest. With the assistance of the Career Centre, employers select students, and chosen mentors provide additional support for the topic of professional practice (within the institution) to ensure relevant tasks are carried out during the practice. Students also have an employer mentor who submits a report on the student´s achievements at the end of the professional practice.
Students who are already employed and working on relevant projects/tasks are not required to complete professional practice but must submit a written report from their employer detailing their work and a written report containing self-reflections in the workplace (the same documents required from students completing professional practice).

The content of professional practice depends on the employer and specific tasks related to the scope of job responsibilities, the student´s capabilities, and the mentor´s approach during the practice. This same content of professional practice becomes a written report, through which the subject is evaluated and assessed.
