Semester: 7
Lectures: 30
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 120
Module Code: 24-221-0046
Semester: 7
Lectures: 30
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 120
Module Code: 24-221-0046

Module title:

Positive psychology in the business environment

Lecturers and associates:

Module overview:

The goals of this course are to enable students to:
gain insight into the basics of applying psychology in the context of business,
acquire knowledge about the application of positive psychology in the business environment,
they realize the potential of changes in the business environment with the application of positive psychology.
The course Positive psychology in a business environment is focused on the research and application of the principles of positive psychology in the context of business. Content-wise, the course includes the study of key concepts such as happiness and well-being, positive emotions and thinking, strength of character and virtue, motivation and self-control, and resilience and growth after traumatic experiences. The objectives of the course include the identification of the basic premises of positive psychology and the analysis of criticisms of this field, the understanding of different ways of defining and measuring happiness, as well as the variables that are related to it.
Students should take this course to gain a deep understanding of how positive psychology can improve the business environment, boost productivity, and improve job satisfaction. The course provides practical tools and techniques for applying positive psychology in everyday business situations, thereby encouraging the creation of healthy working relationships and positive organizational cultures. This course is part of the vertical of courses in the field of human resources management and develops the soft competencies needed in managing teams and employees in general.
Students will learn about:
basics of psychology as a scientific discipline
principles of positive psychology and its application in the business environment
the concept of happiness and well-being
personal achievements and goals
character and virtues
motivation and self-control
the relationship between personal satisfaction and different personal factors
traumatic experiences and recovery process
creating healthy relationships in the organization and organizational culture
application of positive psychology in the workplace


Required readings:
1. Cheavens , JS and Feldman, DB (2022) The Science and Application of Positive Psychology . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2. Brdar, I., Miljković, D. and Rijavec, M. (2008) Positive psychology: scientific research of human strengths and happiness. Zagreb: IEP.

Supplementary readings:
1. Miljković Krečar , I. and Kolega, M. (2013) Psychology in the business environment. Zagreb: VERN.
2. Baumeister , RF, and Exline , JJ (1999) Virtue , personality and social relations : Self-control as the moral muscle . Journal of Personality , Vol. 67, pp . 1165-1194.
3. Ryan, RM, and Deci, EL (2001) On happiness and human potentials : A review of research on hedonic and eudaimonic well-being . Annual Review of Psychology , Vol. 52, pp . 141-166.