Semester: 2
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 45
Independent work: 90
Module Code: 24-421-0271
Semester: 2
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 45
Independent work: 90
Module Code: 24-421-0271

Module title:

Creative storytelling in multimedia design

Lecturers and associates:

Full Professor Ivana Ogrizek Biškupić

Module overview:

The aim of this course is to enable students to:
Recognize factors that can influence their creative potential, expression, and critical thinking.
Apply knowledge and analyse various creative expressions and works of art to strengthen their own creative potential.
Create their own multimedia product for which they have devised a creative concept, resulting in an understanding of the entire creative process and internal and external factors of application.
By mastering the planned learning outcomes, students aim to strengthen their own creative potential and, through the analysis of various examples, better understand and recognize different types of external and internal factors influencing their creative expression and creation.

One part of this course is focused on studying and analysing creative solutions in various fields of art, while the other part is directed towards creative expression focused on multimedia creation. Students are encouraged to think critically and analytically, create, and practically apply various tools with the aim of strengthening their own creative potential and expression.

This course contributes to the overall development of students´ competencies, enhancing creative and professional skills, which, in turn, contribute to the final qualification of the entire study. Upon completion and successful passing of the course, students are expected to apply all planned learning outcomes.


1. Vic Costello, Susan Youngblood, Norman E. Youngblood (2023). Multimedia Foundations: Core Concepts for Digital Design. Publisher: Routledge/Focal Press, 2023