Semester: 3
Lectures: 30
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 120
Module Code: 24-421-0284
Semester: 3
Lectures: 30
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 120
Module Code: 24-421-0284
Module title:
Instructional design and design of educational content
Lecturers and associates:
Module overview:
Instructional design (ID) fundamentally implies a slightly different approach to the design of digital content compared to those products of other purposes. First of all, it is expected to know and implement certain methodological and methodological laws in the design of educational multimedia content.
An important factor is their analysis and adaptation to the educational level and the target group for which it is being shaped. In this regard, this course seeks to bring students closer to knowledge in the field of instructional design through analysis and concrete application of several different models by taking into account and analyzing the educational levels for which it is created. Within the course, the analysis and research of the most famous ID solutions such as ADDIE model, Dick and Carey model, ASSURE model, Kemp model...) and differences in design and approach depending on target groups. The course also questions the functionalities and differences in LMS systems as well as the standards (SCORM et al.) that guarantee the interoperability of digital educational content regardless of the choice of platform.
The aim of the course is to train students for an independent approach to the development of digital teaching content according to the principles of ID and for their implementation in the process of learning and teaching, which, in addition to the ID itself, includes the design and production of visual elements, media management or their publication to repositories and / or integration into LMSs with the aim of achieving immersion.
In this course students will learn:
apply basic concepts related to the principles of digital educational content design according to instructional design models (ADDIE, Dick and Carey, ASSURE, Kemp, etc.)
recognize the specifics and differences in the design of digital educational content in relation to digital content for other purposes and the importance of applying methodical principles
analyse technologies for creating and publishing digital educational content and select the most appropriate technologies for their design and application
create visual elements, adjust the dynamics of interactivity, integrate immersion, create flowcharts
create digital educational content
test digital educational content
create a prototype with all the elements of the instructional design.
Required readings:
1. Yellow, Alma (2022) Operating instructions in Articulate 360 Teams tools. Algebra University College, Zagreb
2. Trends and issues in instructional design and technology Fourth Edition (2018) Reiser, Robert A.; Dempsey, John V., Pearson, NY
3. Smith Nash, Susan; - Rice, William (2022). Moodle 4 E-Learning Course Development Fifth Edition. Packt Publishing Ltd., Birmingham
Supplementary readings:
1. 1. Jandrić, P. (2015) Basics of digital education Jandrić, P. (2015) Digital learning
2. Jandrić, P. and Boras, D. (2012) Critical e-education
3. Anderson, T. and Elloumi, F. (2008) Theory and Practice of Online Learning