Semester: 7
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 45
Independent work: 120
Module Code: 24-421-0309
Semester: 7
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 45
Independent work: 120
Module Code: 24-421-0309

Module title:

Socially responsible project

Lecturers and associates:

Module overview:

The aim of this course is to train students for a deep understanding and effective application of the principles of corporate social responsibility, both in profit and non-profit organizations. Through the course, students will be introduced to:
Understanding key aspects and the practical application of corporate social responsibility.
Conducting a detailed situational analysis of the business activities of organizations in the context of social responsibility.
Developing and implementing activity plans to solve specific problems in the field of corporate social responsibility, taking into account the set limitations and business goals of clients.
Applying optimal techniques and methods in solving problem tasks, aligned with industry standards and the results of situation analysis.
Drawing up comprehensive documentation of the project solution, including proposals for further implementation steps.
Effective presentation and defence of solution proposals in front of real interested parties.
This course builds on the foundation of previously acquired knowledge and skills, with the aim of preparing students for independent work in the field of corporate social responsibility. The importance of this course lies in the ability of students to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in real business situations, which not only improves their professional competence but also contributes to the wider community. Through interactive learning, team work, and direct communication with interested parties, students will develop key skills necessary to solve complex problem tasks and effective communication of their solutions, thus being ready for the challenges and opportunities offered by modern corporate social responsibility.
Students will learn:
Understanding the practical aspects of corporate social responsibility for profit and non-profit organizations
Solving a problem task in the field of corporate social responsibility
Structuring and developing an action plan for solving a problem task
Coordination in the team for the delivery of the proposed solution to the problem
Communication and coordination with stakeholders in the process
Presentation of solutions in real-life circumstances


Required readings:
1. Ries, E. (2011). The lean startup: How today´s entrepreneurs use continuous innovation to create radically successful businesses. Currency.

Supplementary readings:
1. Crane, A., and Matten, D. (2016). Corporate social responsibility: Definition, core issues, and recent developments (4th ed.). Sage Publications.
2. Chandler, D., and Werther Jr., W. B. (2013). Strategic corporate social responsibility: Sustainable value creation (3rd ed.). Sage Publications.
3. Friedman, M. (1970). The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits. New York Times Magazine. (Original work published 1962).
4. Elliott, J. (2013). An introduction to sustainable development (4th ed.). Routledge.
5. Willard, B. (2012). Implementing sustainability: The business case for sustainability (2nd ed.). Routledge.
6. Yunus, M. (2007). Creating a world without poverty: Social business and the future of capitalism. Public Affairs.
7. Bornstein, D. (2007). How to change the world: Social entrepreneurs and the power of new ideas (Updated ed.). Oxford University Press.
8. Dees, J. G., Emerson, J., and Economy, P. (2001). Enterprising nonprofits: A toolkit for social entrepreneurs. Wiley.
9. Ife, J. (2013). Community development in an uncertain world: Vision, analysis, and practice (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.
10. Phillips, R., and Pittman, R. H. (2009). The practice of community development: A theory of active citizenship (2nd ed.). Routledge.
11. Minkler, M., and Wallerstein, N. (Eds.). (2008). Community-based participatory research for health: From process to outcomes (2nd ed.). Jossey-Bass.
12. Singer, P. (2011). Practical ethics (3rd ed.). Cambridge University Press.
13. Rawls, J. (1999). A theory of justice (Rev. ed.). Belknap Press.
14. Levinas, E. (1969). Totality and infinity: An essay on exteriority. Duquesne University Press.
15. Hawken, P. (2010). The ecology of commerce: A declaration of sustainability (Rev. ed.). HarperBusiness.
16. McDonough, W., and Braungart, M. (2002). Cradle to cradle: Remaking the way we make things. North Point Press.
17. Kolbert, E. (2014). The sixth extinction: An unnatural history. Henry Holt and Company.