Semester: 7
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 45
Independent work: 90
Module Code: 24-421-0310
Semester: 7
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 45
Independent work: 90
Module Code: 24-421-0310

Module title:

Virtual environment for multimedia production

Lecturers and associates:

Module overview:

The aim of the course is to provide students with access to different environments for multimedia production and to instruct them in the valorisation of them through analysis, application, current state of development and trends. After insight into development, opportunities, obstacles and potentials, the course focuses on the chosen environment within which competencies for creating a multimedia solution are built.

The overall elaboration of the multimedia solution through the possibilities of the environment becomes a global goal of the course, which goes beyond the production itself and takes as a task a wide range of applications of the environment and further potential development.
In this course students will learn:
valorise technological trends
apply multimedia production environment technologies
creativity in solving problems through a combination of technologies and environments
elaborate multimedia content and solutions in accordance with the environment
apply immersion and narrative through the possibilities of the environment
solve visual impression problems through enhancement of user experience
create a multimedia product with an emphasis on user experience
assess the adequacy of tools and the possibilities of the environment according to the purpose of the multimedia product


Required readings:
1. Sawicki, M. (2020) Filming the Fantastic with Virtual Technology: Filmmaking on the Digital Backlot
2. Ruiz, D.I. (2018) Multimedia Production Handbook: From the idea to the remake: Theater, Radio, Filming, Television, Internet and more

Supplementary readings:
1. Kadner, N. (2019) The Virtual Production Field Guide