Semester: 8
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 75
Module Code: 24-222-0102
Semester: 8
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 75
Module Code: 24-222-0102
Module title:
Psychology in marketing communications
Lecturers and associates:
Module overview:
This module is part of the optional “psychology” modules. The objective of this module is to enable students to:
• Understand the role psychology can play in creating marketing communication
• Understand how brands are created and how they connect with consumers based on emotional impact, personal and social identity
• Create brand communication based on psychological insights, creative strategy and idea generating principles
• Analyse the principles of behavioural economics in marketing communication
In his module students will explore all the elements of communication and creative strategy, through the prism of psychological principles. In the first part of the module, students will learn to better understand brands, brand building process and brand personality along with the ways to optimise brand communication.
This module contributes to the overall development of the students as professionals and practitioners as upon completion of the module, the students will be able to apply their knowledge of psychology in planning marketing communications, which will contribute to the overall skillset for their future employment.
1. Fennis, B. and Stroebe, W. (2020) The Psychology of Advertising, Routledge
2. Belak, B. (2008) Ma tko to samo smišlja te reklame, Rebel, Zagreb