Semester: 7
Lectures: 30
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 120
Module Code: 24-521-0377
Semester: 7
Lectures: 30
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 120
Module Code: 24-521-0377

Module title:

Packaging Design

Lecturers and associates:

Module overview:

The module forms the vital core of the program as it combines previous modules of Visual Design, Students will be able to create functional packaging using basic principles of designing regarding the message it conveys as well regarding the different types of packaging depending on the type of product and material: box (cardboard, plastic, or metal), bottle, can, jar, tube, etc.

Students will get acquainted with the basic rules of design language; psychological, perceptual, and social influences and creative elements important in shaping the packaging (introduction to semiotics, perception, and behaviour, form and function/content, creative thinking, etc.). Students will get acquainted with the historical and stylistic aspects of product logo design (brands) with regard to the type of product and the history of design, functions, and styles in packaging design. Students will get acquainted with the basic processes of product design, principles of designing information systems typographic and pictorial elements in packaging design. This module is work-project-based and provides students with insight into how to create a valid creative concept in the design communications industry.
In this module students will learn:
understand fundamental principles in packaging design with ideas to explore, research, create and produce a valid creative idea and packaging (model) for market communication environment
create and design functional packaging using basic principles regarding the message and layout


Required readings:
1.DuPuis, S., Silva, J. (2011) Package Design Workbook - The Art and Science of Successful Packaging, Beverly, Rockport Publishers

Supplementary readings:
1.[Anon.] (2017) The Package Design Book, Cologne, Bibliotheca Universalis, Taschen, Cologne
2.Evamy, M. (2003) World Without Words, London, Laurence King Publishing Ltd
3.Dorst, K. (2003) Understanding Design, Amsterdam, Bis publishers