Semester: 7
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 45
Independent work: 120
Module Code: 24-521-0374
Semester: 7
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 45
Independent work: 120
Module Code: 24-521-0374
Module title:
Game engine design
Lecturers and associates:
Module overview:
This module allows students to integrate and incorporate 3D assets created in previous modules into a game engine. This module represents a vital component in the programme, as it teaches the students how to properly transform raw 3D assets into a form that can be successfully utilized inside a modern, industry-standard game engine. As such, this module represents a connection between the artistic side of 3D graphics and the functional side of game development. The module teaches students how to optimize and transfer 3D models into a game engine, and turn them into game-ready assets. The module provides the necessary context and knowledge required to create materials, lighting, and complete scenes inside a game engine enviroment. Through this module, students will develop an understanding of differences between 3D CG software and game engines as well as how to utilize this knowledge to correctly prepare and work with 3D assets in game engine environment.
This module is important for the students, as it represents a vital component in a game-oriented 3D toolkit, and it allows them to seamlessly communicate with other artists in the game development pipeline. Therefore, this module is essential in forming well-rounded 3D modeling expert in the field of game design.
In this module students will learn:
basic approach to environment modelling
create simple terrains using classic modelling tools
create textures and node materials suitable for environment texturing
create realistic geological features
apply procedural techniques for environment modelling
populate the environment with assets using a procedural approach
Required readings:
1.Hamdani A., Barreto C. (2023), 3D Environment Design with Blender: Enhance your modeling, texturing, and lighting skills to create realistic 3D scenes, Birmingham, Packt Publishing
Supplementary readings:
1.Khan H. (2024), Virtual Filmmaking with Unreal Engine 5: A step-by-step guide to creating a complete animated short film, Birmingham, Packt Publishing