Semester: 3
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 75
Module Code: 24-124-0236
Semester: 3
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 75
Module Code: 24-124-0236
Module title:
Basics of 3D modelling for computer games 1
Lecturers and associates:
Module overview:
The aim of the module is to introduce students to the basics of 3D modelling for computer games, modelling tools and ways of thinking.
This module represents the third module in the vertical of modules specialized in knowledge and skills in the field of technical art. Two more compulsory and one optional module in the same group follow this module. The skills acquired in this module will significantly contribute to the possibility of following the following modules and will significantly contribute to the development of the student as a professional in the respective fields.
The module is taught in a 3D modelling tool. The module knowledge check is based on solving a series of small practical tasks in defined development tools and on individual student projects. In these projects, students must create 3D models suitable for use in computer game development.
Required readings:
1. Daniele, T. (2008) PolyModeling With 3dsMax - Thinking Outside of the Box. Waltham: Focal Press.
Supplementary readings:
1. Gahan, A. (2013) 3ds Max Modelling for Games. 2nd edn. Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge.