Semester: 6
Lectures: 30
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 90
Module Code: 24-124-0247
Semester: 6
Lectures: 30
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 90
Module Code: 24-124-0247

Module title:

Physical foundations of game development

Lecturers and associates:

Module overview:

As part of this module, students acquire knowledge of the physical basics important in the development of computer games. Students are introduced to the basic physical concepts of motion and light, they are taught how to apply physical concepts to the motion of objects in the game, how fluid physics affects the motion of objects, and how to implement and manage the collision of objects in the game. Although the skills acquired in this module in themselves do not significantly contribute to the professional development of students in the field of mathematics, they provide indispensable knowledge and skills necessary for creating computer games.
Software development tools are used in the execution and evaluation of the module, in which the learned physical concepts are implemented. Evaluation within this module is based on solving individual projects.
Students will learn:
- key concepts in algebra and trigonometry
- differential and integral calculus
- acceleration, mass and energy
- how to detect and resolve collisions
- forces and Newton´s laws
- angular motion
- friction
- fluid dynamics
- oscillations
- rotation in 3D space
- moment of inertia.


Required readings:
1. Bywalec, B., Bourg, D.M. (2013) Physics for Game Developers. 2nd edn. O´Reilly Media, Inc.
Additional reading (at the moment of submitting the Study Programme Report)
1. Szauer, G. (2017) Game Physics Cookbook. Packt Publishing.

Supplementary readings: