Semester: 3
Lectures: 30
Practice sessions: 15
Independent work: 75
Module Code: 24-531-0533
Semester: 3
Lectures: 30
Practice sessions: 15
Independent work: 75
Module Code: 24-531-0533
Module title:
Visual interactive media
Module overview:
The objectives of this module are for studentt to learn the basic concepts, principles and methods of designing visual interactive media projects. This will include the knowledge and understanding of analysis and researching of a wide range of visual media platforms like social media interfaces, mobile applications and gaming designs, interactive websites, virtual platforms, as well as complex interactive streaming video productions and multimedia projects.
Students will be introduced to the principles for developing prototypes and design concepts for interactive visualization systems and the approaches to meet various specific project objectives and identify and create different phases of the interactive media design processes. This will enable students to increase their understanding for the problems of customers, each specific medium and defining an unique design strategies for creating specific user experience.
This module is dedicated to developing student's abilities to analyze customers needs and shape their experience in the context of visual interactive medium. Through combining these knowledge and skills on projects students can explore and express their creative position on specific design problems as well as clearly articulate their own relationship towards new forms of interactive principles.
Essential reading:
1. Griffey, J. V. (2019) Introduction to Interactive Digital Media: Concept and Practice, Routlege, London.
Recommended reading:
1. Cvetković, D. (2019) Interactive Multimedia: Multimedia Production and Digital Storytelling, Intechopen, London.
Further reading:
1. Bühling, R., Wißner, M., André, E. (2011) Visual Communication in Interactive Multimedia, Springer-Verlag, Berlin
2. Wiberg, M. (2004) The Interaction Society: Practices, Theories and Supportive Technologies, Information Science Publishing, Pennsylvania