Semester: 6
Lectures: 30
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 60
Module Code: 23-03-539-E
Semester: 6
Lectures: 30
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 60
Module Code: 23-03-539-E

Module title:

Multimedia content creation and management

Lecturers and associates:

Robert Krivec, Senior Lecturer

Module overview:

The objective of this module is to enable students to:
• analyse the process of making multimedia content
• create multimedia by content and purpose

This optional module teaches students about the process of making video content as one of the most important communication media in the age of social networks. Through the module and project assignments, students go through the whole the process of creating video content: from creating an idea and storyboard to recording and postproduction, and publishing video material.

Students who choose this module will develop the skills needed for successful creation of video content, which plays a huge part in the field of digital marketing. The knowledge acquired in this module will make it easier for students to reach their target audience, as well as to manage their social media commitments, thus contributing to the overall skillset for their future employment as digital marketing specialists.


Essential reading:
1. Owens, J. (2017) Video Production Handbook.6th edn. [s.l.] Routledge

Recommended reading:
1. Aitchinson, J. (2008) Cutting Edge Commercials: How to Create the Worlds Best TV Ads for Brands in the 21st Century.2nd edn. [s.l.] Pearson/Prentice Hall
2. Light Honthaner, E. (2010) The Complete Film Production Handbook.4th edn. [s.l.] Routledge

Further reading:
1. Sutherland, M. (2008) Advertising and the Mind of the Consumer.3rd edn. [s.l.] Routledge
2. Murch, W. (2001) In the Blink of an Eye: A Perspective on Film Editing.2nd edn. [s.l.] Silman-James Press