Semester: 4
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 15
Independent work: 60
Module Code: 24-07-525-E
Semester: 4
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 15
Independent work: 60
Module Code: 24-07-525-E
Module title:
Contemporary society
Module overview:
The objective of this module is to enable students to:
• analyse the basic characteristics of forces and power of the societal context in sociological research of contemporary society
• critically assess the importance of sociological research for the design of visual communications
This module teaches students the theoretical knowledge and empirical research of selected themes and concepts in the sociological inquiry of contemporary society in the field of visual communications design. It prepares students for critical understanding of social structures and actions that influence their social, cultural and job opportunities. It provides students with a tool to check their own knowledge and ways of considering problems, but also helps them make decisions and act appropriately in these spheres of life.
It is important for students to take this module in order to develop critical and logical sociological explanations for different situations in contemporary society. The acquired knowledge will allow students to understand the influence of social structures, processes, communication and control on individuals and social groups in different spheres of life, including visual communications design, which can be used in future research or work projects.
Essential reading:
1. Scott, J. (2006) Sociology: The Key Concepts. New York: Routledge.
Recommended reading:
1. OLeary, Z. (2007) The Social Science Jargon Buster: The Key Terms You Need to Know. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
2. Giddens, A. and Sutton, P. (2017) Essential Concepts in Sociology. 2nd edn. Cambridge: Polity Press.
3. Thorpe, C., Yuill, C., Hobbs, M., Todd, M., and Tomley, S. (2015) The Sociology Book.
New York: DK Publishing.
Further reading:
1. Yuill, C. and Thorpe, C. (2018) Heads Up Sociology. New York: DK Publishing