Semester: 4
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 45
Module Code: 24-07-526-E
Semester: 4
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 45
Module Code: 24-07-526-E

Module title:

Photography 2

Module overview:

The objectives of this module is to enable students to:
• control lighting while shooting.
• create a photo-collection under natural lights.
• apply filters while solving common photographic problems.
• create a photo-collection.

This module teaches students the modern devices and processes in digital photography; develops their skills and independence in the application of photographic devices and accessories. This module is project-based where students will demonstrate their technical and real-life principles in photography. The module forms the vital core of the programme as it combines basic rules of digital photography, shooting, studio lightning and scenery.

It is important for students to take this module in order to gain confidence with practical knowledge related to light, as a basic element in the creation and design of photography. The course is organized as a workshop, in which theoretical lectures and practical work are intertwined all the time.


Essential reading:
1. Coan, S. (2020), Crafting the natural light look, San Rafael, Rocky Nook

Recommended reading:
1. Kelby, S. (2020), The natural light portrait book, San Rafael, Rocky Nook

Further reading:
1. Davis, H. (2019), Creative black and white, San Rafael, Rocky Nook