Semester: 6
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 15
Independent work: 60
Module Code: 24-07-548-E
Semester: 6
Lectures: 15
Practice sessions: 15
Independent work: 60
Module Code: 24-07-548-E

Module title:

Animated graphics

Module overview:

This module provides students with the skills and knowledge needed to design and create animations, use appropriate tools, and apply the ways of thinking required for make animations with modern user experience.

This module is optional core to Visual Communication Design study programme and provides the foundation for animation modules that students will take in the following semesters. Skills brought by this module will contribute significantly to students development as professionals in respecting fields.

Students will learn:
• Animations foundations, which are necessary to build skills that are more complex and required in the labour market.
• How to make composition and organize elements on scenes.
• How to animation elements on scenes.
• How to control the camera and adding effects to the camera.
• How to use filters, and work with interactive navigation.

The module assessment is based on two individual student projects. In these projects, students must design and create animations according to the given specification.


Essential reading:
1. Blazer, L. (2015) Animated Storytelling: Simple Steps For Creating Animation and Motion Graphics 1st edition, Birmingham, Peachpit Press

Recommended reading:
1. Chun, R. (2021) Adobe Animate Classroom in a Book, San Jose, Adobe Press
2. Brooks, S. (2017) Tradigital Animate CC: 12 Principles of Animation in Adobe Animate, Boca Raton, CRC Press

Further reading:
1. Green, T., Labrecque, J. (2017) Beginning Adobe Animate CC: Learn to Efficiently Create and Deploy Animated and Interactive Content, New York, Apress
2. Jackson, C. (2010) Flash Cinematic Techniques: Enhancing Animated Shorts and Interactive Storytelling, Oxford, Focal Press is an imprint of Elsevier