Semester: 4
Lectures: 30
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 120
Module Code: 24-000-0126
Semester: 4
Lectures: 30
Practice sessions: 30
Independent work: 120
Module Code: 24-000-0126
Module title:
Web technologies 1
Module overview:
This module introduces students to developing backend web applications and the required ways of thinking for developing robust and complex web applications.
This module is core to Software Engineering subspecialisation and provides students with the skills and knowledge for developing backend web applications. This module contributes significantly to students’ development as professionals in respecting fields.
The module is taught in C# and ASP.NET framework. The module assessment is based on individual student projects. In these projects, students must create a backend web application according to the given specification.
Students will learn:
Backend web programming, which is necessary to build skills that are more complex and required in the labour market.
How web client and web server communicate with HTTP protocol.
About various ways to preserve data between page requests and responses.
How to secure web applications.
How to interact with a database by using object-relational mapping
How to achieve separation of concerns by using service dependency injection in web application.
How to use and implement a microservice architecture.
How to transform project specification into dynamic web application.
Required readings:
1. Higginbotham, J. (2021) Principles of Web API Design: Delivering Value with APIs and Microservices: Addison-wesley
Supplementary readings:
1. Biehl, M. (2016) RESTful API Design: Best Practices in API Design with REST (API-University Series Book 3)