Semestar: 8
Predavanja: 15
Vježbe: 30
Samostalni rad: 75
Šifra kolegija: 23-222-0103
Semestar: 8
Predavanja: 15
Vježbe: 30
Samostalni rad: 75
Šifra kolegija: 23-222-0103
Naziv predmeta:
Primijena umjetne inteligencije u marketingu
This module students will learn the usage of artificial intelligence in marketing and business.
The objectives of this module are to enable students to:
- Apply the principles of artificial intelligence in marketing
- Use artificial intelligence to resolve tasks
- Evaluate different AI applications and their impact on business goals
In this module, students will learn key concepts of AI in marketing and challenges and shortcomings of its usage. Throughout tutorials, they will learn to apply their knowledge in practice. The knowledge and experience gained through this module will give students competitive advantage based on understanding of technology application in marketing. Module will prepare them both as practitioners and experts.
U ovom modulu učenici će naučiti:
Uvod u umjetnu inteligenciju
Umjetna inteligencija u poslovanju i marketingu
Primjena LLM-a u marketingu
LLM alati za kreativnost
Anatomija upita
Kontekstualni razgovor
Multimedijski alati