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DIHUB project – creating cloud-related curriculums

The labour market is getting more and more dynamic and we are seeing major changes related to the supply and demand of certain occupations in the labour market. There are daily appearing new products and services related to development of digital technology and cloud services. Therefore, it is very important to classify occupations related to cloud services and technologies but also to develop cloud-related curriculums and learning programs.

But, the whole process of creating curriculums and learning programs of a high quality is neither short nor simple. DIHUB project partners have started with the development of cloud-related curriculums using the DACUM analysis.

The DACUM (Developing A CurriculUM) is based on collecting and analyzing the employees’ experiences. The first phase of the DACUM analysis includes interviewing employees about their job responsibilities. This is a starting point for identifying employees’ duties and tasks in their work place. During the second phase of the DACUM analysis, based on the previous conclusions, specific skills can be identified – these are the skills which employees have to have in order to perform their everyday duties and tasks efficiently. Once these steps are done, curriculums can be designed. Curriculums prescribe how and at which level participants of learning programs must master the established educational outcomes in order to successfully acquire the identified skills.

The DACUM analysis makes it possible to match demand on the labour market and employers’ needs with the employees’ skills. Employees who attend learning programs whose curriculums were created using the DACUM analysis, timely acquire key skills and competencies for successful performance of their daily duties and tasks.

Following the steps and methods of the DACUM analysis, Algebra University College is interviewing employees whose daily duties and tasks are related to cloud technologies. Since the occupation such as “cloud expert” does not exist in the labour market nor in the classification of the occupations, the interviewing process is not simple. Algebra University College team will include in the interviewing process various digital technology experts.

After the interviewing process, Algebra University College team will analyze experiences of the employees whose job is related to cloud technologies. Afterwards, specific skills of cloud experts will be defined and based on all conclusions DIHUB project partners will establish curriculums for developing learning programs for various experts related to cloud technologies.

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