Image for ADSEE project – educational materials are published!

ADSEE project – educational materials are published!

ADSEE project partners were intensively working on creation of the educational modules in the previous months. These innovative materials will show how data science could be applied in specific occupations and sectors in order to improve or simplify business processes. Find out more about this materials and how to access them!

ADSEE is an Erasmus+ project which aims to encourage the application of data science in non-technical occupations. This way, project partners try to point out the benefits of data science in those fields in which data science is not used so often.

Thus, Algebra University College created educational materials on the possibilities of applying data science in retail and marketing. Faculty of Information Studies and Arctur company (Slovenia) created educational materials to show the ways of using data science in tourism and cultural heritage. The University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) developed educational materials on the application of data science in the labour market analysis, and the Technische Informationsbibliothek (Germany) on the application of data science for protecting personal data. This way, students and interested experts will be introduced to the possibilities of creating new marketing or tourism strategies based on detailed data analysis. Moreover, the labour market is a place of interaction between workers and future employers, and this communication generates numerous data that is used for further analysis. Data science has the best methods for labour market analysts, and it can also address personal data security issues.

Developed educational materials are published in the created repository and on the official website of the project. All parties interested in using the materials can access them here.

Educational materials are divided into four use cases – Retail, Culture and Tourism, Privacy and Job Market Signalling case.

The next phase of the project (Intellectual Output 4) is related to testing the created modules. Students and lecturers from project partner institutions will have the opportunity to test the materials and acquire an insight to benefits of using data science in their field of expertise. Afterwards, project partners will analyse the success-rate of created materials and conducted pilot.

You can find more information about the project on

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