
AI-050: Develop Generative AI Solutions with Azure OpenAI Service

Artificial Intelligence (AI)


Tijekom treninga usvojiti ćete znanja o Azure OpenAI uslugama te kako osigurati Azure OpenAI uslugu, implementirati modele i koristiti ih u aplikacijama generativne umjetne inteligencije.

Azure OpenAI usluga pruža pristup OpenAI velikim jezičnim modelima kao što je GPT, model iza popularne usluge ChatGPT, te takvi modeli omogućuju različita rješenja za obradu prirodnog jezika (NLP) za razumijevanje, razgovor i generiranje sadržaja. Korisnici mogu pristupiti usluzi putem REST API-ja, SDK-a i Azure OpenAI Studija.

Što ćete naučiti

Kome je namijenjeno

Programerima i podatkovnim znanstvenicima koji imaju potrebu koristiti velike jezične modele (LLM) za generativnu umjetnu inteligenciju. Preporuča se određeno iskustvo u programiranju, ali trening će biti koristan svima koji žele razumjeti kako se usluga Azure OpenAI može koristiti za implementaciju rješenja generativne umjetne inteligencije.


  • Poznavanje Azurea i Azure portala.
  • Razumijevanje generativne umjetne inteligencije.
  • Iskustvo u programiranju s C# ili Python programskim jezikom.
Polaznicima treninga AI-050, u cilju usvajanja potrebnog predznanja, predlažemo besplatno pohađanje edukacije na našem LMS sustavu kako slijedi:
  • Take your first steps with ili Take your first steps with Python.

Nastavni plan

Module 1: Fundamentals of Azure OpenAI Service Get to know the connection between artificial intelligence (AI), Responsible AI, and text, code, and image generation. Understand how you can use Azure OpenAI to build solutions against AI models within Azure. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Describe Azure OpenAI workloads and access the Azure OpenAI Service
  • Understand generative AI models
  • Understand Azure OpenAI's language, code, and image capabilities
  • Understand Azure OpenAI's responsible AI practices and limited access policies
Module 2: Get started with Azure OpenAI Service This module provides engineers with the skills to begin building an Azure OpenAI Service solution. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Create an Azure OpenAI Service resource and understand types of Azure OpenAI base models
  • Use the Azure OpenAI Studio, console, or REST API to deploy a base model and test it in the Studio's playgrounds
  • Generate completions to prompts and begin to manage model parameters
Module 3: Build natural language solutions with Azure OpenAI Service This module provides engineers with the skills to begin building apps that integrate with the Azure OpenAI Service. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Integrate Azure OpenAI into your application
  • Differentiate between different endpoints available to your application
  • Generate completions to prompts using the REST API and language specific SDKs
Module 4: Apply prompt engineering with Azure OpenAI Service Prompt engineering in Azure OpenAI is a technique that involves designing prompts for natural language processing models. This process improves accuracy and relevancy in responses, optimizing the performance of the model. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Understand the concept of prompt engineering and its role in optimizing Azure OpenAI models' performance
  • Know how to design and optimize prompts to better utilize AI models
  • Include clear instructions, request output composition, and use contextual content to improve the quality of the model's responses