
AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator





Tijekom treninga IT profesionalci će usvojiti vještine i znanja za upravljanje Azure preplatama, osiguranje identiteta, administriranje infrastrukture, konfiguriranje virtualnog umrežavanja, povezivanje Azurea i loklanih (eng. on-premises) resursa i upravljanje mrežnim prometom.

IT profesionalci također će naučiti kako implementirati rješenja za pohranu podataka, kreirati i skalirati virtualne strojeve, implementirati web aplikacije i kontejnere, izraditi sigurnosne kopije i dijeliti podatke te nadgledati svoja rješenja.

Što ćete naučiti

  • Upravljajti Azure pretplatama i resursima.
  • Implementirati i upravljati Azure prostorom za pohranu.
  • Implementirati i upravljati Azure virtualnim strojevima.
  • Konfigurirati i upravljati Azure virtualnim mrežama.
  • Upravljati identitetima.
  • Postaviti Azure Resource Manager ARM predloške.

Kome je namijenjeno

Azure administratorima čiji je zadatak implementiranje, upravljanje i nadgledanje identiteta, prostora za pohranu i virtualnih mreža u cloud okolini. Azure administratorima čija je zadaća osigurati, mjeriti, pratiti i prilagoditi resurse prema potrebi.


  • Razumijevanje lokalnih (eng. on-premises) tehnologija virtualizacije kao što su VM, virtualno umrežavanje i virtualni hard diskovi.
  • Razumijevanje mrežnih tehnologija, komponenti, servisa i protokola kao što su TCP/IP, Domain Name System (DNS), virtual private networks (VPNs), vatrozid i tehnologija enkripcije.
  • Razumijevanje Active Directory koncepata što uključuje korisnike, grupe i kontrole pristupa ovisno o ulozi.
  • Razumijevanje otpornosti i oporavka od katastrofe, uključujući operacije sigurnosnog kopiranja i vraćanja podataka.
Polaznicima treninga AZ-104, u cilju usvajanja potrebnog predznanja, predlažemo besplatno pohađanje edukacije na našem LMS sustavu kako slijedi: 
  • Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Describe cloud concepts
  • Azure Fundamentals: Describe Azure architecture and services
  • Azure Fundamentals: Describe Azure management and governance
  • AZ-104: Prerequisites for Azure administrators

Nastavni plan

Module 1: Configure Microsoft Entra ID Learn how to configure Azure Active Directory, including features like Azure AD join and self-service password reset. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Define Azure AD concepts, including identities, accounts, and tenants
  • Describe Azure AD features to support different configurations
  • Understand differences between Azure AD and Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)
  • Choose between supported editions of Azure AD
  • Implement the Azure AD join feature
  • Use the Azure AD self-service password reset feature
Module 2: Configure user and group accounts Learn how to configure user and group accounts. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Configure users accounts and user account properties
  • Create new user accounts
  • Import bulk user accounts with a template
  • Configure group accounts and assignment types
Module 3: Configure subscriptions Learn how to configure Azure subscriptions, including how to obtain a subscription, implement cost management, and apply Azure resource tags. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Determine the correct region to locate Azure services
  • Review features and use cases for Azure subscriptions
  • Obtain an Azure subscription
  • Understand billing and features for different Azure subscriptions
  • Use Microsoft Cost Management for cost analysis
  • Discover when to use Azure resource tagging
  • Identify ways to reduce costs
Module 4: Configure Azure Policy Learn how to configure Azure Policy to implement compliance requirements. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Create management groups to target policies and spending budgets
  • Implement Azure Policy with policy and initiative definitions
  • Scope Azure policies and determine compliance
Module 5: Configure role-based access control Learn how to use role-based access control (RBAC) to ensure resources are protected, but users can still access the resources they need. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Identify features and use cases for role-based access control
  • List and create role definitions
  • Create role assignments
  • Identify differences between Azure RBAC and Azure Active Directory roles
  • Manage access to subscriptions with RBAC
  • Review built-in Azure RBAC roles
Module 6: Configure Azure resources with tools You will learn how to select a tooling option such as Azure portal, Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI, or Azure Cloud Shell. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Manage resources with the Azure portal
  • Manage resources with Azure Cloud Shell
  • Manage resources with Azure PowerShell
  • Manage resources with Azure CLI
Module 7: Use Azure Resource Manager You'll learn how to use resource groups to organize your Azure resources. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Identify the features and usage cases for Azure Resource Manager
  • Describe each Azure Resource Manager component and its usage
  • Organize your Azure resources with resource groups
  • Apply Azure Resource Manager locks
  • Move Azure resources between groups, subscriptions, and regions
  • Remove resources and resource groups
  • Apply and track resource limits
Module 8: Configure resources with Azure Resource Manager templates You'll learn how to use Azure Resource Manager templates to consistently deploy assets. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • List the advantages of Azure templates
  • Identify the Azure template schema components
  • Specify Azure template parameters
  • Locate and use Azure Quickstart Templates
Module 9: Configure virtual networks Learn to configure virtual networks and subnets, including IP addressing. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Describe Azure Virtual Network features and components
  • Identify features and usage cases for subnets and subnetting
  • Identify usage cases for private and public IP addresses
  • Create and determine which resources require public IP addresses
  • Create and determine which resources require private IP addresses
  • Create virtual networks
Module 10: Configure network security groups Learn how to implement network security groups, and ensure network security group rules are correctly applied. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Determine when to use network security groups
  • Implement network security group rules
  • Evaluate network security group effective rules
  • Examine advantages of application security groups
Module 11: Configure Azure DNS Learn how to configure Azure DNS including custom domain names and record sets. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Identify features and usage cases for domains, custom domains, and private zones
  • Verify custom domain names by using DNS records
  • Implement DNS zones, DNS delegation, and DNS record sets
Module 12: Configure Azure Virtual Network peering Learn to configure an Azure Virtual Network peering connection and address transit and connectivity concerns. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Identify usage cases and product features of Azure Virtual Network peering
  • Configure your network to implement Azure VPN Gateway for transit connectivity
  • Extend peering by using a hub and spoke network with user-defined routes and service chaining
Module 13: Configure network routing and endpoints Learn how to configure network routes, including endpoints and private links. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Implement system routes and user-defined routes
  • Configure a custom route
  • Implement service endpoints
  • Identify features and usage cases for Azure Private Link and endpoint services
Module 14: Configure Azure Load Balancer Learn how to configure an internal or public load balancer. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Identify features and usage cases for Azure Load Balancer
  • Implement public and internal Azure load balancers
  • Compare features of load balancer SKUs and configuration differences
  • Configure back-end pools, load-balancing rules, session persistence, and health probes
Module 15: Configure Azure Application Gateway Learn how to configure Azure Application Gateway. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Identify features and usage cases for Azure Application Gateway
  • Implement an Azure application gateway, including selecting a routing method
  • Configure gateway components, such as listeners, health probes, and routing rules
Module 16: Configure storage accounts Learn how to configure storage accounts, including replication and endpoints. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Identify features and usage cases for Azure storage accounts
  • Select between different types of Azure Storage and storage accounts
  • Select a storage replication strategy
  • Configure network access to storage accounts
  • Secure storage endpoints
Module 17: Configure Azure Blob Storage Learn how to configure Configure Azure Blob Storage, including tiers and object replication. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Identify features and usage cases for Azure Blob Storage
  • Configure Blob Storage and Blob access tiers
  • Configure Blob lifecycle management rules
  • Configure Blob object replication
  • Upload and price Blob Storage
Module 18: Configure Azure Storage security Learn how to configure common Azure Storage security features like storage access signatures. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Configure a shared access signature (SAS), including the uniform resource identifier (URI) and SAS parameters
  • Configure Azure Storage encryption
  • Implement customer-managed keys
  • Recommend opportunities to improve Azure Storage security
Module 19: Configure Azure Files and Azure File Sync Learn how to configure Azure Files and Azure File Sync. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Identify storage for file shares and blob data
  • Configure Azure file shares and file share snapshots
  • Identify features and use cases of Azure File Sync
  • Identify Azure File Sync components and configuration steps
Module 20: Configure Azure Storage with tools Learn how to configure Azure Storage with tools like Azure Storage Explorer and AZCopy. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Configure and use Azure Storage Explorer
  • Configure the Azure Import/Export service
  • Use the WAImportExport tool with the Azure Import/Export service
  • Configure and use AZCopy
Module 21: Configure virtual machines Learn how to configure virtual machines including sizing, storage, and connections. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Create a virtual machine planning checklist
  • Determine virtual machine locations and pricing models
  • Determine the correct virtual machine size
  • Configure virtual machine storage
Module 22: Configure virtual machine availability Learn how to configure virtual machine availability including vertical and horizontal scaling. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Implement availability sets and availability zones
  • Implement update and fault domains
  • Implement Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets
  • Autoscale virtual machines
Module 23: Configure Azure App Service plans Learn how to configure an Azure App Service plan, including pricing and scaling. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Identify features and usage cases for Azure App Service
  • Select an appropriate Azure App Service plan pricing tier
  • Scale an Azure App Service plan
  • Scale out an Azure App Service plan
Module 24: Configure Azure App Service Learn how to configure and monitor Azure App Service instances, including deployment slots. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Identify features and usage cases for Azure App Service
  • Create an app with Azure App Service
  • Configure deployment settings, specifically deployment slots
  • Secure your Azure App Service app
  • Configure custom domain names
  • Backup and restore your Azure App Service app
  • Configure Azure Application Insights
Module 25: Configure Azure Container Instances Learn how to configure Azure Container Instances including container groups. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Identify when to use containers versus virtual machines
  • Identify the features and usage cases of Azure Container Instances
  • Implement Azure container groups
Module 26: Configure file and folder backups Learn how to configure backup and restore policies that meet your company's regulatory needs. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Identify features and usage cases for Azure Backup
  • Configure Azure Recovery Services vault backup options
  • Configure the Microsoft Azure Recovery Services (MARS) agent for Azure Backup
  • Implement on-premises file and folder backups
Module 27: Configure virtual machine backups Learn how to configure virtual machine backups including restore operations. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Identify features and usage cases for different Azure backup methods
  • Configure virtual machine snapshots and backup options
  • Implement virtual machine backup and restore, including soft delete
  • Perform site-to-site recovery by using Azure Site Recovery
  • Compare the Azure Backup agent to the Microsoft Azure Backup Server
Module 28: Configure Azure Monitor Learn how to configure Azure Monitor, including querying the Azure Monitor activity log. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Identify the features and usage cases for Azure Monitor
  • Configure and interpret metrics and logs
  • Identify the Azure Monitor components and data types
  • Configure the Azure Monitor activity log
Module 29: Configure Azure alerts Learn how to configure Azure alerts including action groups. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Identify Azure Monitor alerts, including alert types and alert states
  • Configure Azure Monitor alerts
  • Create alert rules and action groups
Module 30: Configure Log Analytics You will learn how to configure Log Analytics including structuring queries. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Identify the features and usage cases for Log Analytics
  • Create a Log Analytics workspace
  • Structure a Log Analytics query and review results
Module 31: Configure Network Watcher You'll learn how to configure Network Watcher and troubleshoot common networking problems. After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Identify the features and usage cases for Azure Network Watcher
  • Configure diagnostic capabilities like IP Flow Verify, Next Hop, and Network Topology

Za što vas priprema?

Certifikacijski ispit: Exam AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator Certifikat: Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate