
Startup teams

Startup teams

Iskoristi 20% popusta

Startup inubator class of 2019/2020

1. Farseer

Planning and reporting is a critical strategic business management activity. In most of the companies this is done on an annual or semi-annual basis, often using technologically outdated tools based on data collected and processed manually. A completely different solution is offered by Matija Nakić, Luka Mijatović, Matej Trbara and Zrinko Dolić and their project called Farseer. It is a simple and logical interface that allows bottom-up and top-down planning, all of which makes the planning and reporting process fast and flexible.

2. Canvas

All the developers who have tried it know that programming multi-player video games is not at all easy. Krševan Štorić and Valentino Vukelić therefore designed Canvas – a technical solution that will help anyone with basic knowledge of video game programming to embark on an unique adventure of making multi-player games without fear.

3. Amaranth games

Three friends with many years of experience in video game development – Arton Glocke, Ivan Jakubi and Domagoj Krpan – had a great desire to establish their own video game development studio. Studio Amaranth Games has a specific business model that sees each project as an investment not only in the knowledge and skills of employees, but also in the production cycle of the studio itself. This dynamic business model characteristic of startup projects is the driving force and ensures the sustainability of the project itself.

4. Viibes

How many times have you been to a festival or concert and lost precious time waiting in line for food, drink or toilet? Fortunately, there is Viibes – a very useful mobile application that will be a lifeline for every festival visitor. Behind this idea are Jermaine Bowley and Marko Marinović, and through the Viibes application, visitors can buy a ticket for any festival, order food and drinks without waiting in line, book transfers and accommodation, find out where their friends are and much more.

5. Velebit AI

A very short-term weather forecast aims to provide insight into meteorological conditions for the next few hours with great accuracy. Davor Aničić, Ivan Borko, Tomislav Levanić, Bartol Freškura and Mladen Fernežir therefore designed Velebit AI, an indispensable system for short-term weather forecasting that is extremely useful in providing timely warning in changing weather conditions as well as in crisis situations such as firefighting or flood defense.

6. Sport React

The development of cognitive abilities such as attention or concentration, and reactions to them are important factors in the development of personality. But, these are also important features for the development of top athletes. Aware of this, Anto Širić, Ivan Josipović and Aleksandar Pupac developed SportReact, an IoT system of intelligent sensors connected to a mobile application that are used to develop coordination and reflexes of both athletes and children with disabilities.



A wedding is for many one of the most important events in life, but its planning can be very demanding. As there is no complete wedding portal in Croatia that would make it easier for newlyweds to prepare for the day, Andreja and Ante Rambrot Malenica and Martina Pahek launched the platform. The main goal of their portal will be its relevance and the high quality content related to all aspects of weddings.

8. Nuotwo

An unusual idea of ​​transforming urban areas into forest ecosystems is the basis of the Nuotwo project, initiated by the duo Marko Brkljačić and Iva Soža. Their project is based on photo bioreactor panels that are easily mounted on the wall inside any building (home, office, office building). These panels then do the work – they absorb carbon dioxide and methane from the air and convert them into oxygen.

9. Go2farm2

In order to give incentives to local food and beverage producers and facilitate their access to new customers and markets, a four-member team consisting of Marin Vučemilo, Borna Siriščević, Monika Kordić and Ivan Orač designed Go2Farm. It is an innovative platform that connects local agricultural producers and buyers eager for domestic products of proven quality via Internet, in real time.

10. Sylvius AI cancer detection

Startup inkubator generacija 2018/2019!

1. PP

Da digitalna proizvodnja i stare zanatske tehnike ručnog rada idu ruku pod ruku znaju Tea Duvnjak, Monika Zubović i Mirna Mihoković, umjetnice, dizajnerice i zaljubljenice u tradicijsku kulturu. Njihov projekt pod nazivom PP uz pomoć digitalnih metoda kao što su kodiranje i 3D modeliranje nastoji oživjeti dio kulturne baštine te na nekonvencionalan način inspirirati male promjene s velikim utjecajem; pružajući konzultacije, edukacije i usluge svojim korisnicima i partnerima.


Kako Hrvatska ne bi ovisila o sirovinama koje mora uvoziti iz drugih zemalja (i na to trošiti velika sredstva) pobrinut će se Filip Koprčina koji je pokrenuo projekt Energy Shift te okupio tročlani tim koji čine – Ante Renić, student 5. godine FER-a koji se već i sada bavi obnovljivim izvorima energije, Domagoj Leko, student 3. godine ekonomije i Luka Lindić student 4. godine strojarstva. Energy Shift je platforma koja omogućava lakše financiranje energetskih projekata u području obnovljivih izvora energije kroz prikupljanje mikro zajmova, a s konačnim ciljem izgradnje elektrane.


Već je dobro poznato da je Hrvatska omiljena turistička destinacija velikog broja stranih posjetitelja. Kako bi turistima, ali i ugostiteljima olakšali narudžbu smještaja, hrane, pića… Dejan Kalanj, poduzetnik i zaljubljenik u informatičke tehnologije i Christian Jurišić, web i grafički dizajner pokrenuli su projekt Smart Waiter.  Ovaj inovativni projekt kroz digitalno sučelje korisniku omogućava samostalno naručivanje, ali mu pruža i brojne druge korisne informacije kao što su interaktivne karte, informacije o javnom prijevozu, lokalnim događajima i sl., a sve u cilju što boljeg iskustva odmora u Hrvatskoj.


Korištenje javnog prijevoza može biti ugodno pa čak i edukativno uz projekt SmartStop koji su pokrenuli Antonio Patljak, student 3. godine Arhitektonskog fakulteta te dobitnik Zlatne arene za vizualne efekte filma „Osmi povjerenik“, Ivan Popović, poduzetnik i student Algebre te Franjo Topić, također Algebrin student. SmartStop pametne stanice za javni prijevoz integriraju sve funkcije javnih usluga kao što su:  informacije o vremenu i voznom redu, položaj vozila u stvarnom vremenu i predviđeno vrijeme dolaska, ali i neke neočekivane inovacije kao što su pregled obližnjih događaja i ustanova, besplatni Wi-Fi pristup internetu, punjenje mobilnih i ostalih uređaja putem Wireless i USB punjača, oglasni prostor u obliku digitalnih ekrana itd.


Svi znamo da klinci ne vole obaveze, ali jako, jako vole nagrade. Sa željom da na zabavan način potaknu djecu na obavljanje svojih obaveza, ali i na financijsko opismenjavanje, Ivanka Tirić Podoreški IT Risk Manager u Allianz Technology GmbH, Dubravko Ban, DevOps voditelj tima u SPANu, Ivo Drinković osnivač i CEO u CIVITAS VETUS i Sandra Kovačić Vešligaj, Voditelj projekta u HT, osmislili su KidCoin. Riječe je o platformi koja će roditeljima djece školske dobi omogućiti praćenje aktivnosti, zadataka i obaveza, te ih nagrađivati virtualnim novčićima koje će djeca moći koristiti za kupnju pojedinih artikala, ali i donirati u društveno odgovorne usluge.


Kako bi studentima još tijekom studija pružili mogućnost da kroz prakse, edukacije i natjecanja steknu praktična znanja i vještinen tražene na tržištu rada te im omogućili da pronađu svoj idealni posao, David Rey Hudček i Tomislav Krišto, suosnivači edukacijskog centra Štreberaj te Luka Marić, student 5. godine EFZG-a i pobjednik Case Study Competitiona Hrvatskog Telekoma i StartupZG natjecanja, kreirali su mobilnu aplikaciju DING. Osim što DIng studentima služi kao karijerni kompas i daje do znanja koje korake moraju poduzeti, poslodavcima koristi kao alat za regrutacijski marketing i employer branding.


Trojac Tomislav Krištof, ekspert za digitalni marketing i komunikacije s više od 20 godina iskustva te inicijator i kreator različitih studijskih programa na visokom učilištu Algebra, Helena Čop, studentica digitalnog marketinga na Algebri, trenutno je zaposlena u Ostendo Consultingu i Zlatan Morić,  voditelj katedre za računalnu sigurnost na Visokom učilištu Algebra, pokrenuli su inicijativu Humana digitalna inteligencija s ciljem da otkriju opasnosti koje svima nama prijete u digitalnoj svakodnevnici. Sve naravno kako bismo mogli svoje misli i ponašanje usredotočiti prema zdravlju i kvalitetnijem životu. Razvojem modela po digital segmentima HDI želi pomoći ljudima da razviju vještine i navike, što bi ih opet učinilo učinkovitijima digitalno, istodobno čuvajući njihovo fizičko i mentalno zdravlje.


Nije mala stvar upustiti se u  Summer Work & Travel USA program i svaka pomoć u inicijalnom snalaženju je dobrodošla. S tim ciljem, Teo Toplak, Šimun Peša, Borna Boban i Tomislav Toplak osmislili su JayOne.  Riječ je o platformi koja polaznicima programa pomaže pri samostalnom pronalaženju poslodavaca, ali ih i povezuje s drugim sudionicima programa diljem SAD-a unaprjeđujući tako njihovo iskustvo, ali i samu kvalitetu Summer Work & Travel programa.


Traže se studenti/talenti… samo da nije te dosadne papirologije J. Kako bi studentima, ali i poslodavcima olakšali zapošljavanje, entuzijastična ekipa developera  u sastavu Bojan Došen, Stjepan Pavleković, Mario Vegh i Ivan Begović pokrenula je projekt JobTag. Ovaj projekt ima za cilj razvoj jedinstvenog sustava kojim bi se automatiziralo spajanje studenata s poslodavcima te skratio proces izdavanja ugovora i isplate.

10. VOLO

Kupnja avionske karte ( posebno ako se to radi u posljednjem trenutku) može biti „skupi sport“. Kako bi korisnicima omogućili beskontaktnu, bezgotovinsku, ali i brzu kupnju avio karata putem pametnog telefona, tu je mobilna aplikacija Volo. Pomoću nje korisnici mogu pretraživati letove, uspoređivati cijene te kupiti najbolju opciju i sve to otiskom prsta putem telefona. Kako bi aplikacija bila poptpuno sigurna za korištenje, tehnologija koja ju pokreće temelji se na biometrici. Iza ovog projekta stoje Tea Vrcić, Jose Pose, Developer i Veronica Rodriguez Cepeda, te UI/UX Lead koji surađuju kao duo, a zajedno su osmislili više od 14 aplikacija izrađenih u Google Play Store-u. Riječ je uglavnom o e-health aplikacijama za španjolsku vladu.


Volite putovati ali i uštedjeti na noćenjima? Visko, Rino i Hrvoje znaju kako vam pomoći i već su par koraka ispred vas. Naime, ovaj dinamični trojac je osmislio web aplikaciju FloorNap koja će omogućiti studentima, ali i ostalim niskobudžetnim korisnicima-putnicima znatno povoljnija noćenja te pritom popularizirati kulturu spavanja na podu (u vrećama za spavanje, naravno J). Visko Plenković student  je FER-a, Hrvoje Živković student EFZG-a, a Rino Duboković student je programskog inženjerstva na Algebri. Rino je ujedno i strastveni putnik te začetnik ideje projekta.

Startup incubator generation of 2018/19!


Tea Duvnjak and Mirna Mihoković, artists, designers and lovers of traditional culture know that digital production and old handcraft techniques go hand in hand. Their project is called PP and with the help of digital methods such as coding and 3D modeling, is trying to revive a part of cultural heritage and in an unconventional way inspire small changes with great influence, providing consultations, education and services to its users and partners.


Energy Shift is a platform that facilitates the financing of energy projects in the area of renewable energy through the collection of micro loans, with the ultimate goal of power plant construction. Filip Koprčina, who initiated the Energy Shift project brought together a team of three members – Ante Renić, FER student who already is engaged in renewable energy sources, Domagoj Leko, student of economics and Luka Lindić student of mechanical engineering.


It is well known that Croatia is a favorite tourist destination for a large number of foreign visitors. In order to make it easier for tourists and caterers to order accommodation, food, drinks … Dejan Kalanj, entrepreneur and IT lover and Christian Jurišić, web and graphic designer have launched the Smart Waiter project. This innovative project, through the digital interface, allows the user to order independently, but also offers many other useful information such as interactive maps, information on public transport, local events, etc., all in order for tourists to have a better holiday experience in Croatia.


The use of public transport can be pleasant and even educational with the SmartStop project that was launched by Antonio Patljak, 3rd year student of the Faculty of Architecture and Golden Arrow for Visual Effects of the film “Eighth Commissioner”, Ivan Popović, entrepreneur and student at Algebra and Franjo Topić also a student at Algebra. “SmartStop” smart public transport stations integrate all public service functions such as weather and timetable information, real-time vehicle location and expected arrival time, as well as some surprising innovations such as an overview of nearby events and facilities, free Wi-Fi internet access, charging of mobile and other devices via Wireless and USB chargers, inventory in digital form, etc.


We all know that kids don’t like chores, but they really, really like prizes. Ivanka Tirić Podoreški IT Risk Manager in Allianz Technology GmbH, Dubravko Ban, DevOps Team Leader in SPAN, Ivo Drinković founder and CEO in CIVITAS VETUS and Sandra Kovačić Vešligaj, Project Manager at HT came up with an idea to make chores fun. KidCoin word is a platform that will enable parents of school age children to monitor their activities, tasks, and obligations, and reward them with virtual coins that children can use to purchase individual items, but also donate to socially responsible services. It will encourage children to perform their duties and increase their financial literacy.


In order to enable students to gain practical skills and skills in the labor market through practice, education and different competition and thus enable them to find their ideal job David Rey Hudček and Tomislav Krišto, co-founders of the Štreberaj Educational Center and Luka Marić, student of the EFZG and the winner of the Case Study Competition of Croatian Telecom and StartupZG competitions, created the mobile application DING. Not only does it serv as a career compass for the students, employers can use it as a tool for employer branding.


Tomislav Krištof, Helena Čop and Zlatan Morić launched the Human Digital Intelligence initiative with the aim of discovering the dangers that everyone is experiencing in their digital everyday life and that they can focus their thoughts and behaviors on health and quality of life. By developing digital segments, HDI wants to help people develop their skills and habits, which will make them more efficient digitally, while preserving their physical and mental health.


It is no small matter to go to the Summer Work & Travel USA program and students will welcome all the help they can get. To this end, JayOne was designed by Teo Toplak, Šimun Peša, Borna Boban and Tomislav Toplak. This platform that will help program attendees to find employers and enables connecting them with other program participants throughout the United States, enhancing their experience, as well as the quality of Summer Work & Travel.


Students / talents wantes … if only there was none of that boring paperwork . To help students and employers ease employment, the enthusiastic team of developers Bojan Došen, Stjepan Pavleković, Mario Vegh and Ivan Begović launched the JobTag project. This project aims to develop a unified system to automate student-employer engagement and shorten the process of issuing contracts and payments.


Buying an airline ticket (especially if it’s at the last minute) can be an “expensive sport”. In order to provide users with contact free, cash free and fast purchase of airline tickets via a smartphone, Tea Vrcić, Jose Pose, Developer and Veronica Rodriguez Cepeda came up with a mobile application called Volo. With it, users can search for flights, compare prices, and buy the best option with only their fingerprint. In order for the application to be completely safe to use, the technology that drives it is based on biometrics.


Do you like to travel but also save on accomodation? Visko, Rino and Hrvoje know how to help you and there are already a few steps ahead of you. This dynamic trio has designed a FloorNap web application that will enable students, as well as other low-budget users, to find significantly more affordable accommodation and popularize the sleeping culture on the floor (in sleeping bags, of course). Visko Plenković is a student of FER, Hrvoje Živković, EFZG student, and Rino Duboković is a student of software engineering at Algebra. Rino is also a passionate traveler and the initiator of the project idea.